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in India
 Noyal Thomas, IGF & Director, Project Elephant
Indian Elephant (Elephas maximus indicus), is the most celebrat- ed companion of the people of India, since time immemorial. They are both revered in the religion and mythologies, symbolising
strength and wisdom.
India is harbouring about 60% of the Asian elephant population and about 20% of the captive elephants and the species has been placed as the Schedule I species under the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 offer- ing the highest protection. Project Elephant was launched in 1992 by Govt. of India for effective management and protection of elephants in order to ensure the survival of elephant population in the wild as well as in captivity. In 2010, the Indian elephant has been declared as National Heritage Animal by the Government of India with an aim to step up measures for their protection and conservation. As per the population estimation of 2017, India is home to 29964 elephants in the wild.
Right Photo: Photo credit: Sandeep Das

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