
Legal Monitoring Cell (LMC) is a part of the Ministry which is engaged in the monitoring, coordination and supervision of the court cases pertaining to the Ministry and also act as an dedicated desk of the Ministry in tendering opinion and advices whether procedural or substantive on legal issue on the request made by the various divisions of the Ministry. Presently, the court cases pending before various Tribunals/ Courts/ Forums, wherein MoEF&CC is one of the party, are supervised by LMC.

LMC effectively supervise and monitor the daily development of the cases and accordingly gets update and communicate with the Division for the effective conducting court cases.

LMC act as an Administrative Unit of the Legal Assistants working under the Ministry assigned to various divisions.

LMC coordinates with all divisions in respect of court cases and legal matters, coordinates with counsel all over India, conducting court cases.

LMC works with the team of Legal Assistants (25 presently) posted in different divisions to assist the Ministry in conducting Court Cases, preparing and vetting replies/Affidavits etc.

LMC is presently being headed by Shri Mahesh Tyagi, Senior Consultant (Legal).