Page 23 - National Conference of Ministers of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
P. 23

3.  Plastics and Waste Management


                    States / UTs to

                      (i)       effectively enforce ban on identified Single Use

                                Plastic (SUP) items,

                      (ii)      promote alternatives to banned SUPs

                      (iii)     promote  innovations  in  the  area  of  alternatives
                                and effective plastic waste management,

                      (iv)      carry  out  awareness  generation  for  behavioral


                      (v)       provide  assistance  and  undertake  capacity
                                building of MSMEs

                    States  /  UTs  to  strengthen  waste  processing

                      infrastructure including recycling infrastructure to ensure

                      fulfillment of EPR

                    States/UTs to

                      (i)       hold regular meetings of State Level and District
                                level  taskforces  on  elimination  of  single  use
                                plastics and effective plastic waste management,

                      (ii)      develop  and  implement  comprehensive  action

                                plan and update progress on national dashboard

                    Best  practices  for  promotion  of  alternatives  by

                      States/UTs to be shared for wider adoption

                    States/UTs  to  ensure  effective  waste  management  in
                      both urban and rural areas.

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