Page 11 - National Conference of Ministers of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
P. 11

“The        basic       mantra          of
                                                                  PANCHAMRIT given by our

                                                                  Hon’ble  Prime  Minister  to
                                                                  the world will prove to be a

                                                                  milestone in the direction of
                                                                  climate change.”

                                                                  “India         is      a       country

                                                                  associated with nature, and
                                                                  nature and culture must be
                                                                  in harmony.”

                                                                  “We are working to make a

                                                                  self-reliant  Bharat  which
                                                                  would  be  possible  only

                                                                  with         awareness               and

            Shri Ashwini Kumar Choubey,

            Minister of State for Environment, Forest and

            Climate Change, Government of India.

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