क्रमांक शीर्षक उद्घाटन तिथि
1 (A) Construction of Posts for fencing for Indian Elephant Enclosure at National Zoological Park, New Delhi. (B) Providing and Fixing Electric Fencing post for Indian Elephant Enclosure at National Zoological Park, New Delhi. 2025-02-10
2 Providing & fixing chain link fencing for Deer Enclosure at National Zoological Park, New Delhi 2025-02-07
3 Providing and Installation of Water Bubbler and Aerating aquascapes at pond near Amphitheatre of National Zoological Park, New Delhi 2025-02-04
4 Replacement of damaged bamboo railing with M.S. Pipe railing and other misc. civil works of Beer Enclosure Beat No. 05 at National Zoological Park New Delhi. 2025-02-04
5 Construction of Office room near Conference Hall in Director office at National Zoological Park, Mathura Road, New Delhi. (Civil & Electrical Works) 2025-02-04
6 Repair/renovation of Joint Director Residence at National Zoological Park, New Delhi. (Civil & Electrical Works) 2025-02-03
7 Construction of karal at Beat No 10 at National Zoological Park, New Delhi. 2025-02-03
8 Replacement of damaged bamboo railing with M.S. Pipe railing of Sloth Beer & Himalayan Beer Enclosure Beat No. 04 at National Zoological Park New Delhi. 2025-02-03
9 Tender for the work of “Repairing, renovation, modification and expansion of nine Toilets at AJCBIBG , Howrah during the year 2024-25.( Cancelled Tender ID 98418)” 2025-01-28
10 Publishing Corrigndum-1 for the tender of -Repairing, renovation, modification and expansion of nine Toilets at AJCBIBG ,Howrah during the year 2024-25.( Cancelled Tender ID- 98418) & NIT no.03/EE/CED-IV/CCU/Kol/2024-25/Recall.( Cancelled Tender ID-98418) 2025-01-28
11 Construction of open dais, Green room & washrooms at Phool bagan in front of CESC Garden and Repairing, replacement of 2km barbed wire on the boundary wall of AJCBIBG from Howrah main gate to bakultala gate during the year 2024-25 2025-01-14
12 Repairing, renovation, modification and expansion of nine Toilets at AJCBIBG ,Howrah during the year 2024-25".NIT No.03/EE/CED-IV/CCU/Kol/2024-25 2025-01-09
13 Filling up the post of Member Secretary, Central Zoo Authority, New Delhi on deputation basis 2024-11-28
14 Inviting Bids through GeM Portal for Hiring of 60 vehicles in the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change 2024-11-19
15 Filling up the post of Section Officer, Assistant, Jr. Hindi Translator and Upper Division Clerk on deputation basis in Regional Office, MoEF&CC, Nagpur-Reg 2024-11-08
16 Advertisement of the post of Finance Officer in the pay level – 10 [56,100 – 1,77,500] in Pay Matrix (7 CPC) in the Central Zoo Authority on Promotion/Deputation basis 2024-11-07
17 E-Auction of obsolete Furniture & E-waste Items like CPU, Monitors, Printers, Photocopiers, A/C, CCTV Dome Camera, & Misc. for Authorized Recyclers, dismantler, Collector, registered with SPCB or CPCB in the Ministry 2024-10-10
18 Construction of New Hostel Block (G+2) for IGNFA at FRI Campus, Dehradun SH: Development work of New Hostel Block-A at IGNFA, Dehradun. (Taken out of main work) 2024-10-08
19 Tender for the work of "Construction of Headquarters office building, hostel, auditorium and guest house for BSI at Andul Road, Howrah 2024-09-19
20 Corrigendum for w/o Construction of Headquarters office building, hostel, auditorium and guest house for BSI at Andul Road, Howrah. 2024-09-19
21 Corrigendum-3. for w/o Construction of Headquarters office building, hostel, auditorium and guest house for BSI at Andul Road, Howrah 2024-09-19
22 Corrigendum-2. for w/o Construction of Headquarters office building, hostel, auditorium and guest house for BSI at Andul Road, Howrah. 2024-09-19
23 Minutes of Pre-bid Meeting for the w/o Construction of Headquarters office building, hostel, auditorium and guest house for BSI at Andul Road, Howrah. 2024-09-19
24 Soil Investigation Report for the work : Development of Botanical Garden of India Republic (BGIR), at NOIDA, Uttarpradesh on EPC Mode. NIT No.: - 8/2023-24/CE/CCU/CED-1/NOIDA (2nd call) 2024-09-19
25 Corrigendum No. 1 for the work : Development of Botanical Garden of India Republic (BGIR), at NOIDA, Uttarpradesh on EPC Mode. NIT No.: - 8/2023-24/CE/CCU/CED-1/NOIDA (2nd call) 2024-09-13
26 Development of Botanical Garden of India Republic (BGIR), at NOIDA, Uttarpradesh on EPC Mode. NIT No.: - 8/2023-24/CE/CCU/CED-1/NOIDA (2nd call) 2024-09-12
27 Development of Environmental Laboratory at CPCB Regional Directorate – Shillong 2024-09-05
28 Development of Botanical Garden of India Republic (BGIR), at Noida, UTTAR PRADESH on EPC mode 2024-08-26
29 Inviting work of Consolidated Central Public Works Department - eTender 2024-08-26
30 Development of Environmental Laboratory at CPCB Regional Directorate – Shillong 2024-08-06
31 Request for Proposal (RFP) for creation of hyper-realistic high–end gamified 3D virtual experience of treks in Sikkim to be delivered through extended reality, virtual reality, augmented reality and/or mixed reality. 2024-08-05
32 Selection of Direct Access Entities (DAEs) for the Green Climate Fund (GCF) set up under the UNFCCC. 2024-07-16
33 Invitation for Expression of Interest (EOI) for creation of hyper-realistic high–end gamified 3D virtual experience of treks in Sikkim to be delivered through virtual reality, augmented reality and/or mixed reality 2024-03-14
34 The Executive Engineer, CED-I, Civil Construction Unit (CCU), MoEF&CC invites online Percentage rate bids from CPWD enlisted contractors of appropriate class in Buildings & Roads (erstwhile composite /Building/ Infrastructure) category and firms/contractors of repute in two bid system for Construction of New Building in the existing premises of Privesh Bhawan, CPCB, Delhi 2024-03-14
35 Notice inviting e-Tender for the work Construction of Souvenir shop Near main gate at WII Dehradun 2024-01-24
36 Open Tender for hiring Vehicles on GeM Portal at Forest Survey of India (Northern), Shimla 2024-01-24
37 Request for Proposals from NGOs for Knowledge Management Grants under the Seventh Operational Phase of the GEF Small Grants Programme in India. 2023-12-03
38 E-Auction Notice – E-Auction of E-waste Items & Misc. for Authorized Recyclers, dismantler, Collector, registered with SPCB or CPCB, will be held on Friday, the 13th October-2023 at 2:30 P.M. Inspection can be at Indira Paryavaran Bhawan, Jor Bagh Road, New Delhi 110003. 2023-10-08
39 Update on dimensions for India Pavilion and Delegation Office to be setup at COP 28 in Dubai w.rt. BID No. GEM/2023/B/3809174 2023-08-17
40 Update on dimensions for India Pavilion and Delegation Office to be setup at COP 28 in Dubai w.rt. BID No. GEM/2023/B/3809174 2023-08-16
41 Request for Proposal (RFP) to hire agency for executing work of conceptualizing design, supervising construction and managing India pavilion & delegation office at 28th session of COP to UNFCCC to be held in Expo City, Dubai 2023-08-09
42 Request for Proposal (RFP) to hire agency for executing work of conceptualizing design, supervising construction and managing India pavilion & delegation office at 28th session of COP to UNFCCC to be held in Expo City, Dubai 2023-08-08
43 Request for Proposal (RFP) for Hiring of Project Management Consultant (PMC) to manage the carbon credit project cycle in the forestry sector of Sikkim 2023-07-20
44 Request for Proposal (RFP) for Hiring of Project Management Consultant (PMC) to manage the carbon credit project cycle in the forestry sector of Sikkim 2023-07-19
45 Notice Inviting Tender for Procurement of VC Codec with Microphones and Camera for the Kaveri conference Hall in the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change 2023-07-14
46 Request for Proposal (RFP) for Hiring of Project Management Consultant (PMC) to manage the carbon credit project cycle in the forestry sector of Sikkim 2023-06-19
47 Office Memorandum (05-06-2023) – Notice inviting tender for providing manpower Office Assistants/Data Entry Operators, Office Attendants (MTS) in the National Authority CAMPA 2023-06-09
48 Requirement of Hard Bound Set of SCC Law journal from 1969 to 2O23: Published by M/s Eastern Book Company 2023-05-26
49 Notice for inviting Tender through Government e-Marketplace (GeM) for hiring of Professional Event Organizer (PEO)/ Event Management Agency (EMA) for installation of pavilion on Mission LiFE for 10 Events at different location of India. 2023-05-25
50 Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) for Engagement of an Event Management Agency (EMA) in connection with Celebration of World Environment Day on June 5, 2023 2023-05-19
51 Engagement of a "Project Management Consultancy” as a knowledge partner to establish and operate a Project Management Unit (PMU) in HSM Division of Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC), Government of India (GOI) to provide assistance including technical assistance on activities related to Carbon Markets, Clean Development Mechanisms, Green Credit Programme, and Ecolabeling – Notice Inviting e-RFP 2023-05-19
52 Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) for hiring of an agency for providing monkey handlers to drive away monkeys in and around Indira Paryavaran Bhawan, Jor Bagh, New Delhi 2023-05-11
53 Corrigendum - Invitation for online “Expression of Interest” for selection of a “Project Management Consultancy” to provide technical assistance to MoEFCC’s for establishment and operation of a Project Management Unit (PMU) for activities related to National Clean Air Programme (NCAP) 2023-05-10
54 Notice - Pre-Bid Meeting for Notice inviting Tender through Government e-Marketplace (GeM) for hiring of Professional Event Organizer (PEO)/ Event Management Agency (EMA) for installation of pavilion at G20 Environment & Climate Sustainability Working Group's meetings 2023-03-06
55 Notice inviting Tender through Government e-Marketplace (GeM) for hiring of Professional Event Organizer (PEO)/ Event Management Agency (EMA) for installation of pavilion at G20 Environment & Climate Sustainability Working Group's meetings 2023-03-02
56 Notice inviting Expression of Interest (EoI) for conducting Foreign Training Forestry Personnel (FTFP) under the scheme “Forestry Training & Capacity Building” 2023-02-17
57 Invitation for online “Expression of Interest” for selection of a “Project Management Consultancy (PMC)” as knowledge partner to establish and operate a Programme Management Unit (PMU) in HSM Division of MoEFCC to provide assistance including technical assistance on activities related to Carbon Markets, Clean Development Mechanism, Green Credit Programme, and Ecolabeling 2023-02-16
58 Corrigendum (03-01-2023): Invitation for “Expression of Interest” for selection of an “Event Management Organisation” in connection with organizing various scheduled meetings under the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Meetings 2022-23 2023-01-03
59 Invitation for “Expression of Interest” for selection of an “Event Management Organisation” in connection with organizing various scheduled meetings under the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Meetings 2022-23 2022-11-30
60 Disposal of Unserviceable Govt. Store Items/Articles:Open Public Auction Called for BGIR 2022-10-19
61 Proposal for Auction of un-serviceable obsolete furniture/almirahs/ chairsy defuncUobsolete computer hardware and peripherals (e- Waste) misc. items in the Ministry. 2022-10-19
62 Disposal of unserviceable Govt. store items/articles:Open Public Auction 2022-10-17