ESZ Notifications

Guidelines, Amendments and Important Court Orders on ESZ


Agenda and Minutes of meeting of ESZ Expert Commitee

Date of Meeting Agenda Minutes
08th OCT, 2024 Minutes of 56th Expert Commitee[PDF](72.4 KB)
07th OCT, 2024 Minutes of 55th Expert Commitee[PDF](72.4 KB)
22th May, 2024 Minutes of 54th Expert Commitee[PDF](72.4 KB)
07th March, 2024 Minutes of 53rd Expert Commitee[PDF](430 KB)
21th Dec, 2023 Minutes of 52nd Expert Commitee[PDF](100 KB)
21th June, 2023 Minutes of 51st Expert Commitee[PDF](65.8 KB)
7th Feb, 2023 Minutes of 50th Expert Commitee[PDF](360 KB)
2th May, 2022 Minutes of 49th Expert Commitee[PDF](254 KB)
04th March, 2022 Minutes of 48th Expert Commitee[PDF](284 KB)
17th AUGUST, 2021 Minutes of 47th Expert Commitee[PDF](495 KB) and Corrigendum of minutes of 47th ESZ Expert Committee Meeting on 17-08-2021  [PDF](383 KB)
25th JUNE, 2021 Minutes of 46th Expert Commitee[PDF](184 KB)
23 – 25th FEBRUARY, 2021 Minutes of 45th Expert Commitee[PDF](396 KB)
18.01.2021 Minutes of 44rd Expert Commitee[PDF](145 KB)
20.11.2020 Minutes of 43rd Expert Commitee[PDF](183 KB)
18-08-2020  Minutes of 42nd Expert Commitee[PDF](483 KB)
23-24th June, 2020 Minutes of 41th Expert Commitee[PDF](283 KB)
16-03-2020 Minutes of 40th Expert Commitee[PDF](153 KB)
04-02-2020 Minutes of 39th Expert Commitee[PDF](683 KB)
17-12-2019 Minutes of 38th Expert Commitee[PDF](283 KB)
30-09-2019 Minutes of 37th Expert Commitee  [PDF](98.3 KB)and  Corrigendum of minutes of 37th ESZ Expert Committee Meeting[PDF](163 KB)
18-07-2019 Minutes of 36th Expert Commitee[PDF](383 KB)
03-06-2019 Minutes of 35th Expert Commitee[PDF](383 KB)
06-03-2019 Minutes of 34th Expert Commitee[PDF](483 KB)
28th-Feb-2019 Minutes of 33 rd Expert Commitee[PDF](183 KB)
10th October, 2018 Minutes of 32st Expert Commitee[PDF](133 KB)
13 & 14 September, 2018 Minutes of 31st Expert Commitee[PDF](121 KB)
25 & 26 June, 2018 Minutes of 30th Expert Commitee[PDF](683 KB)
24th January 2018 Minutes of 29th Expert Commitee[PDF](294.04 KB)
18th December 2017 Minutes of 28th Expert Committee[PDF](160 KB)
11th October,2017 Minutes of 27th Expert Commitee[PDF](284.85 KB)
07th July, 2017 Minutes of 26th Expert Commitee[PDF](254.06 KB)
11th April, 2017 Minutes of 25th Expert Commitee[PDF](194.05 KB)
27-28th February, 2017 Minutes of 24th Expert Commitee[PDF](391.64 KB)
19th-20th October 2016 23rd ESZ Expert Commitee Meeting[PDF](85.16 KB) Minutes of 23rd Expert Commitee[PDF](385.39 KB)
05/10/2016 22nd ESZ Expert Commitee Meeting[PDF](90.05 KB) Minutes of 22nd Expert Commitee[PDF](259.49 KB)
31/08/2016 Zonal Master Plan for Bhagirathi Eco-Sensitive Zone Area Prepared by government of Uttarakhand : 1.Bhagirathi Eco zone – ZMP comments[PDF](1.09 MB) 2.Chapter A – Forest[PDF](2.71 MB) 3. Chapter B – Watershed Development[PDF](3.7 MB)4.Chapter C – Tourism[PDF](2.02 MB) 5.Chapter D – NHIDCL[PDF](965.63 KB) 6.Chapter E – PWD[PDF](166.21 KB) 7.Chapter F – Energy[PDF](5.28 MB) 8.Chapter G – Irrigation[PDF](469.79 KB)9.Chapter H – Irrigation (PMGSY) [PDF](817.18 KB)10.Chapter I – Horticulture[PDF](792.82 KB) 11.Chapter J – Swajal[PDF](331.57 KB)12.Chapter K – Agriculture [PDF](384.56 KB)13.Chapter L – Rural Development [PDF](216.83 KB)14.Chapter M – Environment [PDF](201.86 KB)15.Chapter N – Food and Civil Supply[PDF](34.78 KB)16.Chapter O – DDMA[PDF](235.1 KB) 17.Preface 2[PDF](394.19 KB) Minutes of 21st Expert Commitee[PDF](256.79 KB)
05/07/2016 20th ESZ Expert Commitee Meeting[PDF](105.74 KB) Minutes of 20th Expert Commitee[PDF](325.13 KB)
Corrigendum in Minutes of 20th ESZ Meeting[PDF](152.53 KB)
04/07/2016 19th ESZ Expert Commitee Meeting[PDF](6.4 KB) Minutes of 19th Expert Commitee[PDF](577.05 KB)
31/05/2016 18th ESZ Expert Commitee Meeting[PDF](6.41 KB) Minutes of 18th Expert Commitee[PDF](388.06 KB)
30/05/2016 17th ESZ Expert Commitee Meeting[PDF](5.34 KB) Minutes of 17th Expert Commitee[PDF](356.44 KB)
04/02/2016 16th ESZ Expert Commitee Meeting[PDF](83.71 KB) Minutes of 16th Expert Commitee[PDF](208.08 KB)


Date of Meeting Agenda Minutes
15/12/2015 15th ESZ Expert Commitee Meeting[PDF](82.77 KB) Minutes of 15th Expert Commitee[PDF](200.12 KB)
26/11/2015 14th ESZ Expert Commitee Meeting[PDF](82.45 KB) Minutes of 14th Expert Commitee[PDF](111.33 KB)
6th October, 2015 13th Expert Committee Meeting [PDF](1.7 MB)
3rd September, 2015 12th Expert Committee Meeting [PDF](2.1 MB)
28th May, 2015 11th Expert Committee Meeting [PDF](2.3 MB)
15th April, 2015 10th Expert Committee Meeting [PDF](1.8 MB)
2nd March, 2015 9th Expert Committee Meeting [PDF](3.3 MB)
3rd December, 2014 8th Expert Committee Meeting [PDF](2.3 MB)
23rd JUly, 2014 7th Expert Committee Meeting [PDF](4.3 MB)
19th May, 2014 6th Expert Committee Meeting [PDF](2.8 MB)
10th July, 2013 5th Expert Committee Meeting [PDF](2.9 MB)
24th May, 2013 4th Expert Committee Meeting [PDF](3.3 MB)
10th May, 2013 3rd Expert Committee Meeting [PDF](2.3 MB)
16th January, 2013 2nd Expert Committee Meeting [PDF](4.3 MB)
21st September, 2012 1st Expert Committee Meeting [PDF](5.1 MB)


“S.O. No. 5693(E) [07.12.2022] Amendment in the Final Notification of Eco-sensitive Zone around Fambonglho Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](1,643 KB), in the state of Sikkim.

Status of ESZ Notifications
State Draft ESZ Notifications Date Of Uploading Final ESZ Notifications Date Of Uploading
Andhra Pradesh 1. S.O. 22 [03.01.2014] Draft ESZ Notification on Pulicat Bird Sanctuary[PDF](1.26 MB), Andhra Pradesh-Tamil Nadu 09/01/2014 1. S.O. 1736 [26.06.2015] Final ESZ Notification on Pulicat Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](11.84 MB), Andhra Pradesh 29/07/2015
2. SO 3127(E)[20.11.2015] Draft notification declaring Eco-sensitive Zone around the Great Indian Bustard Rollapadu Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](859.99 KB) in the state of Andhra Pradesh 14/01/2016 2. S.O. 1567 (E) [15.05.2017] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Great Indian Bustard Rollapadu Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](2.08 MB), Andhra Pradesh 26/05/2017
3. SO 62(E)[07.01.2016] Draft notification declaring Eco-sensitive Zone around the Kambalkonda Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](1.01 MB) in the state of Andhra pradesh 18/01/2016 3. S.O. 1366 (E) [28.04.2017] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Kambalakonda Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](712.46 KB), Andhra Pradesh 04/05/2017
4. S.O.436(E) [04.02.2016] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Rajiv Gandhi National Park[PDF](1.68 MB), Andhra Pradesh 24/02/2016 S.O. 1563 (E) [15.05.2017] Final Notification Declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Rajiv Gandhi National Park[PDF](2.39 MB), Andhra Pradesh
S .O. No. 17(E) [31.12.2024] Amendment in the Final Notification of Eco-sensitive Zone around Rajiv Gandhi National Park[PDF](1.78 MB), Andhra Pradesh
5. S.O.250(E) [15.01.2016] Draft Notification declaring Eco sensitive Zone around Nelapattu Bird Sanctuary[PDF](394.07 KB), Andhra Pradesh 24/02/2016 5. S.O. 1868 (E) [09.06.2017] Final Notification Declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Nelapattu Bird Sanctuary[PDF](2.98 MB), Andhra Pradesh 23/06/2017
6. S.O. 3328(E) [07.12.2015] Draft Notification declaring Eco sensitive Zone around Sri Lankamalleswara Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](2.91 MB), Andhra Pradesh 03/03/2016 6. S.O. 1174(E) [13.04.2017] Final Notification Declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Sri Lankamalleswara Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](1.25 MB), Andhra Pradesh 01/05/2017
7. S.O. 36(E) [03.01.2018] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Sri Penusila Narsimha Swamy Sanctuary[PDF](2.68 MB), Andhra Pradesh. 17/01/2018 7. S.O. 2936(E) [ 28.08.2020] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Sri Penusila[PDF](308 KB) Wildlife Sanctuary, Andhra Pradesh 31/08/2020
8. S.O. 377(E) [24.01.2019] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Sri Venkateshwara National Park & Sanctuary,[PDF](3.00 MB), Andhra Pradesh. 04/02/2019 8. S.O. 2409(E) [ 18.06.2021] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Sri Venkateshwara NP & Sanctuary[PDF](3.00 MB), Andhra Pradesh. 22/06/2021
9. S.O. 4322(E) [29.11.2019] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around  Krishna Wildlife Sanctuary ,[PDF](296 KB). Andhra Pradesh 04/12/2019  S.O. 2632(E) [ 05.08.2020]  Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around  Krishna Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](56 KB)., Andhra Pradesh  11/08/2020
10. .S.O. 173(E) [10.01.2020] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Coringa Wildlife Santuary[PDF](526 KB), Andhra Pradesh. 21/01/2020 9. S.O.3922(E) [21.09.2021] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Coringa Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](3.00 MB), Andhra Pradesh. 27/09/2021
11. S.O. 653(E) [11.02.2020] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Nagarjunasagar Srisailam Tiger Reserve Wildlife Santuary[PDF](789 KB), Andhra Pradesh. 17/02/2020 10. S.O.4373(E) [18.10.2021] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Nagarjunasagar Srisailam Tiger Reserve Wildlife Santuary[PDF](789 KB), Andhra Pradesh. 28/10/2021
12. S.O. 2077(E) [04.05.2022] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Koundinya Wildlife Sanctuary, in the state of Andhra Pradesh.[PDF](789 KB), Andhra Pradesh. 04/05/2022    
Andaman and Nicobar 13. S.O 1498(E) [26.04.2016] Draft Notification declaring Eco sensitive Zone around the Union Territory of Andaman and Nicobar Islands [PDF](995.79 KB)
(i). Maps of 4 National Parks of the 97 Island PAs of A&N Islands


  1. Rani Jhansi NP 2.Buttons NP

(ii).Maps of 93 Wildlife Sanctuaries of the 97 Island PAs of A&N Islands

  1. Andman Group of Island PAs
  2. Nicobar Group of Island PAs

(iii).Individual maps of 93 WLS of the 97 Island PAs of A&N Islands
1. Arial 2. Bamboo 3. Barren 4. Batti Malv 5. Belle 6.Bennette 7. Bingham 8. Blister 9. Bluff 10. Bondoville 11. Brush 12. Buchanan 13. Channel 14. Cinque Island 15. Clyde 16. Cone 17. Curlew Bp 18. Curlew 19. Defence 20. Dot 21. Dotrell 22. Duncan 23. East 24. Egg 25. Entrance26. Flat 27. Gander 28. Goose 29. Gurjan 30. Hump 31. Inglis 32. Interview 33. James 34. Jungle 35. Kwang Tung36. Kyd 37. Landfall 38. Latouche 39. Mangrove 40. Mask41. Mayo 42. Megapode 43.Montgomery 44.Narcondam45. North Brother 46.North Reef 47.North 48.Oliver49.Orchid 50.Ox 51.Oyester I 52.Oyester II 53.Paget54.Parkinson 55.Passage 56.Petric 57.Pitman 58.Peacock59.Point 60.Potanma 61.Ranger 62.Reef 63.Roper64.Ross 65.Rowe 66.Sandy 67.Sea Serpent 68.Shark69.Shearme 70.Sir Hugh Rose 71.Sisters 72.Snake Island73. Snake-I 74.South Brother 75.South Reef 76.South Sentinel 77.Spike II 78.Spike-I 79.Stoat 80.Surat81.Swamp 82.Table Dalgarno 83.Table(Excelsior)84.Talabaicha 85.Temple 86.Tillongchong 87.Tree 88.Trilby89.Tuft 90.Turtle 91.West 92.Wharf 93.White Cliff

27/04/2016 11. S.O. 3099(E) [30.09.2016] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around 97 Protected Areas in the Union Territory of Andaman and Nicobar Island[PDF](1.78 MB) 05/10/2016
14.  S.O. 2939 (E) [06.09.2017] Draft Notification Declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Cuthbert Bay Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](1.74 MB) Andaman 12/09/2017 12. S.O. 1042(E) [27.02.2019] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Cuthbert Bay Sanctuary[PDF](1.78 MB) 05/10/2016
15. S.O. 3328 (E) [13.10.2017] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Saddle Peak National Park[PDF](2.93 MB), Andaman & Nicobar 13. S.O. 1874(E) [11.05.2018] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Saddle Peak National Park,[PDF](2.54 MB) Andaman and Nicobar Islands. 15/05/2018
16. S.O. 799(E) [26.02.2018] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone aroundMount harriet National Park[PDF](4.72 MB), Andaman & Nicobar 07/03/2016 14. S.O. 652(E) [04.02.2019] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Mount Harriet National Park,[PDF](3.00 MB)


S.O. No. 6014(E) [22.12.2022] Amendment in the Notification of Eco-sensitive Zone around Mount Harriet National Park, in the UT of Andaman and Nicobar Islands[PDF](1,254 KB), Andaman and Nicobar Islands

05/10/2016 and 22/12/2022
17. S.O. 3873(E) [28.10.2020] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Campbell Bay National Park, Andaman & Nicobar Islands. [PDF](23.00 KB) 02/11/2020 15. S.O.1193(E) [12.03.2021] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Campbell Bay National Park[PDF](3.00 MB) , Andaman & Nicobar Islands. 15/03/2021
18. S.O. 3874(E) [28.10.2020] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Galathea Bay National Park, Andaman & Nicobar Islands. [PDF](58 KB). 02/11/2020 16. S.O.1194(E) [12.03.2021] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Galathea Bay National Park, Andaman & Nicobar Islands. [PDF](86 KB). 15/03/2021
19. S.O. 4694(E) [24.12.2020] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Mahatma Gandhi Marine (Wandoor) National Park, Andaman & Nicobar Islands[PDF](95 KB). 28/12/2020 17. S.O. 2020(E) [28.04.2022] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Mahatma Gandhi Marine National Park, in the state of Andaman and Nicobar Islands[PDF](86 KB). 28/04/2022
Arunachal Pradesh 20. S.O. 2535 [03.09.2015] Draft ESZ Notification on Kane Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](7.54 MB), Arunachal Pradesh & Map[PDF](110.45 KB) 28/09/2015 18. S.O. 1718(E) [08.04.2021/30.04.2021] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Kane Wildlife Sanctuary,[PDF](10.55 KB) Arunachal Pradesh 03/05/2021
20. S.O. 1877(E) [09.06.2020] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around  Kane Wildlife Sanctuary,p[PDF](180.65 KB) Arunachal Pradesh Re-notification New 15/06/2020
21. S.O. 2538 [17.09.2015] Draft ESZ Notification on Tale Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](7.31 MB), Arunachal Pradesh & Map 28/10/2015
22. S.O. 3101(E) [17.11.2015] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Daying Ering Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](515.78 KB), Arunachal Pradesh
23. S.O. 4893(E) [10.11.2023] Re-Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Kamlang Wildlife Sanctuary, [PDF](1,923 KB) in the state of Arunachal PradeshRe-notification New 28/11/2023
24. S.O. 2050(E) [23.05.2018] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Kamlang WLS [PDF](746.17 KB)Arunachal Pradesh Re-notification New 25/05/2018
25. S.O. 2052(E) [02.05.2022] Re-Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Kamlang Tiger Reserve, [PDF](746.17 KB) in the state of Arunachal Pradesh Re-notification New 05/05/2022 S.O. 3243(E) [09.08.2024] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around  Kamlang Wildlife Sanctuary and Namdapha Tiger Reserve[PDF](3080 KB).Arunachal Pradesh. 13/08/2024
26. SO 3331(E)[08.12.2015] Draft notification declaring Eco-sensitive Zone around the Namdapa Wildlife Sanctuary [PDF](479.24 KB)in the state of Arunachal Pradesh & Map[PDF](288.45 KB) 30/12/2015
27. SO 3546(E)[30.12.2015] Draft notification declaring Eco-sensitive Zone around the Mehao Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](1.22 MB) in the state of Arunachal Pradesh. 08/01/2015
28. S.O. 772(E) [22.02.2018] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Mehao WLS[PDF](12 KB), Arunachal Pradesh Re-notification New 05/03/2018
29. S.O. 572(E) [23.02.2016] Draft Notification declaring Eco sensitive Zone around Mouling National Park[PDF](773.56 KB), Arunachal Pradesh 04/03/2016 19. S.O. 1918(E) [03.06.2019] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Mouling National Park , [PDF](105 KB).Arunachal Pradesh. 07/06/2019
30. S.O. 2114(E) [25.05.2018] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Mouling National Park[PDF] (7.24 MB)Arunachal Pradesh, Re-notification New 30/05/2018
31. S.O. 568(E) [19.02.2016] Draft Notification declaring Eco sensitive Zone around Yordi Rabe Supse Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](299.2 KB), Arunachal Pradesh 04/03/2016
32. S.O. 2639(E) [05.08.2016] Draft notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Eagle Nest Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](483.01 KB), Arunachal Pradesh 22/08/2016 20. S.O. 2943(E) [ 28.08.2020] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Eagle Nest Wildlife [PDF](98 KB)Sanctuary, Arunachal Pradesh 31/08/2020
33. S.O. 3033(E) [23.08.2019] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Eagle Nest Wildlife Sanctuary ,[PDF](65 KB) Arunachal Pradesh. Re-notification New 28/08/2019
34. S.O. 1614(E) [22.05.2020] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Dibang Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](89 KB), Arunachal Pradesh 27/05/2020 21. S.O.4696(E) [24.12.2020] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Dibang Wildlife Sanctuary, ,[PDF](1.32 MB) Arunachal Pradesh 28/12/2020
35. S.O. 3780(E) [22.08.2023] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Sessa Orchid[PDF](3,721 KB), Arunachal Pradesh 05/12/2023
Assam 30.  S.O. 2600 [22.09.2015] Draft ESZ Notification on Rajiv Gandhi Orang National Park[PDF],[PDF](9.76 MB) Assam & Map[PDF][PDF](365.73 KB) 6/11/2015
36. SO 3335(E)[09.12.2015] Draft notification declaring Eco-sensitive Zone around the Nameri Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](1.58 MB) in the state of Assam& Map[PDF](126.08 KB) 30/12/2015 22. S.O. 3881(E) [ 27.10.2020] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Nameri National Park and Sonai-Rupai Wildlife [PDF](78 KB) Sanctuary , Assam 02/11/2020
37. S.O. 653(E) [04.02.2019] Draft notification declaring Eco-sensitive Zone around the Nameri National Park[PDF](9.76 MB), AssamRe-notification New 08/02/2019
38. SO 3236(E)[27.11.2015] Draft notification declaring Eco-sensitive Zone around the Laokhowa-Burhachapori Wildlife Sanctuary [PDF](2.00 MB), Assam 11/04/2016
39. SO 3334(E)[09.12.2015] Draft notification declaring Eco-sensitive Zone around the Bherjan-Borajan Padumoni Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](4.1 MB) in the state of Assam 14/01/2016
40. S.O. 2181(E) [07.06.2021] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Borajan-Bherjan-Padumoni Wildlife Sanctuary ,Assam[PDF](9.76 MB), AssamRe-notification New 14/06/2021
41. S.O.1166(E) [21.03.2016] Draft Notification declaring Eco sensitive Zone around Amchang Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](1.06 MB), Assam 11/04/2016 23. S.O. 1817 (E) [07.06.2017] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Amchang Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](3.55 MB), Assam 12/06/2017
42. S.O. 1363(E) [08.04.2016] Draft Notification declaring Eco sensitive Zone around Dibru-Saikhowa National Park[PDF](1.01 MB), Assam 26/04/2016 24.  S.O. 460(E) [28.01.2020] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around  Dibru Saikhowa National [PDF](65 KB)Park, Assam  11/02/2020
43. S.O. 2029(E) [22.05.2018] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Dibru-Saikhowa National Park[PDF](5.08 MB), Assam Re-Notification New 24/04/2016
44. S.O. 1364(E) [08.04.2016] Draft Notification declaring Eco sensitive Zone around Barail Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](1.79 MB), Assam 26/04/2016 25. S.O. 1924(E) [25.04.2022] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Barail Wildlife Sanctuary,[PDF](245 KB) Assam. 25/04/2022
45. S.O. 1439 (E) [19.04.2016] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive zone around Panidehing Bird Sanctuary[PDF](1.67 MB), Assam 03/05/2016 26. S.O. 1923(E) [25.04.2022] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Panidehing Bird Sanctuary,[PDF](125 KB) Assam. 25/04/2022
46. S.O. 4021(E) [28.09.2021] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Panidehing Wildlife Sanctuary [PDF](3.02 MB), Assam Re-Notification New 08/10/2021
47. S.O. 2907(E) [09.09.2016] Draft notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Sonai Rupai Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](847.9 KB), Assam 15/09/2016
48. S.O. 1828(E) [07.05.2018] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Hollongapar Gibbon Sanctuary[PDF](9.29 MB), Assam 14/05/2018 27. S.O. 3462(E) [25.09.2019] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Hollongapur Gibbon Sanctuary,[PDF](56 KB) Assam. 30/09/2019
49. S.O. 1915(E) [30.05.2019] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Dehing Patkai Sanctuary,[PDF](654 KB) Assam 10/06/2019
50. S.O. 1737(E) [04.06.2020] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Chakrashila Wildlife Sanctuary,[PDF](2.3 MB) Assam. 10/06/2020 28. S.O. 1716(E) [08.04.2021/30.04.2021] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Chakrashila Wildlife Sanctuary,[PDF](56 KB). Assam. 03/05/2021
51. S.O. 3494(E) [25.08.2021] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around
Deepar Beel Wildlife Sanctuary, in the state of Assam. [PDF](2.01 MB)
26/08/2021 29.
52. S.O. 4064(E) [01.10.2021] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around
Borail Wildlife Sanctuary, in the state of Assam. [PDF](2.01 MB)
Bihar 53. S.O. 2386 [31.08.2015] Draft ESZ Notification onBaraila Lake Salim Ali Jubba Sahni Bird Sanctuary[PDF](8.45 MB), Bihar & Map[PDF](200.93 KB) 02/09/2015 30. S.O. 3517(E) [23.11.2016] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Baraila Lake Salim Ali Jubba Sahni Bird Sanctuary[PDF](1.2 MB), Bihar.
S .O. No. 4337(E) [04.10.2024] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Baraila Lake Salim Ali Jubba Sahni Bird Sanctuary[PDF](1.71 MB), Bihar.
54. S.O. 2536 [17.09.2015] Draft ESZ Notification on Pant Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](6.86 MB), Bihar & Map[PDF](238.15 KB) 06/10/2015 31. S.O. 71(E) [10.01.2017] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Rajgir Wildlife Sanctuary,[PDF](1.41 MB)Bihar 16/01/2017
55. S.O. No 274 [28.01.2015] Draft ESZ Notification onKaimur Wildlife Sanctuarry[PDF](1.06 MB), Bihar & Map[PDF](389.51 KB) 18/02/2015 32.  SO 3549(E)[30.12.2015] Notification declaring Eco-sensitive Zone around the Kaimur Wildlife Sanctuary [PDF](687 KB) in the state of Bihar & Map [PDF](194 KB) 08/01/2015
56. S.O. 3030 [09.11.2015] Vikramshila Gangetic Dolphin WLS[PDF](1.05 MB), Bihar & Map[PDF](102.67 KB)
57. SO 3547(E)[30.12.2015] Draft notification declaring Eco-sensitive Zone around the Udaipur Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](231.75 KB) in the state of Bihar & Map[PDF](197.68 KB) 08/01/2015 33. S.O. 2030 (E) [28.06.2017] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Udaipur Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](2.55 MB), Bihar
S .O. No. 5510(E) [20.12.2024] Amendment in the Final Notification of Eco-sensitive Zone around Udaipur Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](1.75 MB), Bihar
58. S.O. 1054(E) [11.03.2016] Draft Notification declaring Eco sensitive Zone around Bhimbandh Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](635.07 KB), Bihar 17/03/2016 34. S .O. No. 3831(E) [06.09.2024] Amendment in the Final Notification of Eco-sensitive Zone around Bhimbandh Wildlife Sanctuary, [PDF](1.69 MB), Bihar. 16/01/2017
59. S.O. 1361(E) [08.04.2016] Draft Notification declaring Eco sensitive Zone around Gautam Buddha Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](1.72 MB), Bihar 26/04/2016 35. S.O. 2200 (E) [12.07.2017] Final Notification Declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Gautam Buddha Wildlife Sanctuary,[PDF](1.68 MB) Bihar
S .O. No. 5383(E) [13.12.2024] Amendment in the Final Notification of Eco-sensitive Zone around Gautam Buddha Wildlife Sanctuary,[PDF](1.73 MB) Bihar
60. S.O. 1823(E) [19.05.2016] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Kusheshwar Asthan Bird Sanctuary[PDF](765.63 KB), Bihar 26/05/2016 36. S.O. 2735 [22.08.2017] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Kusheshwar Asthan Bird Sanctuary[PDF](2.14 MB), Bihar 11/09/2017
61. S.O. 1824(E) [19.05.2016] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Valmiki Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](1017.42 KB), Bihar 01/06/2016 37. S.O. 3026 (E) [13.09.2017] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Valmiki Wildlife Sanctuary, Valmiki National Park and Valmiki Tiger Reserve[PDF](4.23 MB), Bihar 19/09/2017
38. S.O. 2765(E) [09.07.2021] Amendment in final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Valmiki Wildlife Sanctuary, Valmiki National Park and Valmiki Tiger Reserve, in the State of [PDF](4.23 MB), Bihar 12/07/2021
62. S.O. 2198(E) [24.06.2016] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Nagi Dam Bird Sanctuary[PDF](796.04 KB), Bihar 21/07/2016
63.  S.O. 2197(E) [24.06.2016] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Nakti Dam Bird Sanctuary[PDF](672.22 KB), Bihar 21/07/2016
Chandigarh 64. S.O. 2045 [27.07.2015] Draft ESZ Notification on City Bird Sanctuary[PDF](13.42 MB), UT Chandigarh & Map[PDF](345.05 KB) 10/09/2015 39. S. O. 69 (E) [10.01.2017] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around City Bird Sanctuary, Union Territory[PDF](1.39 MB), Chandigarh 12/01/2017
65. S.O. 2541 (E) [17.09.2015] Draft ESZ Notification on Sukhna Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](5.67 MB), Chandigarh & Map[PDF](308.67 KB) 40. S.O. 185 (E) [19.01.2017] Final Notification declaring Eco-Sensitive Zone around Sukhna Wildlife Sanctuary,[PDF](1.99 MB) Chandigarh. 25/01/2017
Chattisgarh 66.  S.O.251(E) [14.01.2016] Draft Notification declaring Eco sensitive Zone around Barnawapara Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](638.87 KB), Chhattisgarh Map1[PDF](118.34 KB)Map2[PDF](112.42 KB) Map3[PDF](126.47 KB) Map4([PDF]115.98 KB) 24/02/2016 41. S.O. 2201 (E) [12.07.2017] Final Notification Declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Barnawapara Wildlife Sanctuary,[PDF](5.07 MB) Chhattisgarh.
S .O. No. 4386(E) [09.10.2024] Final Notification Declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Barnawapara Wildlife Sanctuary,[PDF](1.74 MB) Chhattisgarh.
67.  S. O. 252(E) [18.01.2016] Draft Notification declaring Eco sensitive Zone around Pamed Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](730.92 KB), Chhattisgarh Map1[PDF](118.87 KB) Map2[PDF](108.19 KB) Map3[PDF](120.77 KB) Map4[PDF](111.92 KB) 25/02/2016 42. S.O. 2273 (E) [20.07.2017] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Pamed Wildlife Sanctuary,[PDF](2.43 MB) Chhattisgarh 24/07/2017
68. S.O.570(E) [19.02.2016] Draft Notification declaring Eco sensitive Zone around Gomarda Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](304.92 KB), Chhattisgarh Map1[PDF](124.96 KB) Map2[PDF](117 KB)Map3[PDF](123.04 KB) Map4[PDF](119.04 KB) 11/03/2016
69. S.O. 1165(E) [21.03.2016] Draft Notification declaring Eco sensitive Zone around Semarsot Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](2.76 MB), Chhatisgarh Map1[PDF](120.43 KB) Map2[PDF](111.99 KB)Map3[PDF](117.32 KB) Map4[PDF](115.09 KB) 30/03/2016
70. S.O. 1246(E) [29.03.2016] Draft Notification declaring Eco sensitive Zone around Badalkhol Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](1.85 MB), Chhattisgarh 05/04/2016
71. S.O. 4381(E) [09.10.2023] Re-Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Bhoramdeo Wildlife Sanctuary, [PDF](2,741 KB) in the state of ChhattisgarhRe-notification New 09/10/2023
72. S.O. 3712(E) [22.11.2017] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Udanti Sitanadi Tiger Reserve,[PDF](5.15 MB) Chhattisgarh. 29/11/2017
73. Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Kanger Valley National Park, [PDF](5.15 MB) Chhattisgarh. 01/05/2018 43. S.O. 3653(E) [10.10.2019] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Kanger Valley Wildlife Sanctuary, [PDF](90 KB)Chhattisgarh. 17/10/2019
  74. S.O. 1654(E) [16.04.2018] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Achanakmar WLS,[PDF](5.15 MB) Chhattisgarh. 01/05/2018 44. S.O. 3654(E) [10.10.2019] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Achanakmar Wildlife Sanctuary,[PDF](68 KB) Chhattisgarh. 17/10/2019
Dadra Nagar Haveli 75. S.O. 2927 [17.11.2014] Draft ESZ Notification on Dadra & Nagar Haveli[PDF](1 MB) 02/01/2014 45. S.O. 2413 [04.09.2015] Final ESZ Notification on Dadra and Nagar Haveli WLS[PDF](11.3 MB) 21/09/2015
Delhi 76. S.O. 2114(E) [15.06.2016] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Asola Bhatti Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](696.89 KB), NCT, Delhi 22/06/2016 46. S.O. 2996 (E) [12.09.2017] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Asola Bhatti Wildlife Sanctuary,[PDF](1.9 MB) NCT, Delhi 14/09/2017
Goa 77. S.O. 542 [03.03.2014] Draft ESZ Notification on Dr Salim Ali Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](384.92 KB), Goa 47. S.O. No. 607, [23.02.2015] Final ESZ Notification onDr. Salim Ali Wildlife Sanctuary [PDF](2.13 MB),Goa


S.O. No. 3514(E) [07.08.2023] Amendment in the Final Notification of Eco-sensitive Zone around Dr. Salim Ali Bird Sanctuary, in the state of Goa [PDF](1,107 KB), Goa

S .O. No. 3740(E) [02.09.2024]  Amendment in the Final Notification of Eco-sensitive Zone around Dr. Salim Ali Bird Sanctuary, in the state of Goa [PDF](1.76 MB), Goa

78. S.O. 630 [03.03.2014] Draft ESZ Notifictaion on Cotigao Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](598.25 KB), Goa 48. S.O. No. 438 [24.02.2015] Final ESZ Notification onCotigao WLS[PDF](820.21 KB), Goa


“S.O. No. 5702(E) [07.12.2022] Amendment in the Final Notification of Eco-sensitive Zone around Cotigao Wildlife Sanctuary in the state of Goa[PDF](1,199 KB), Goa

79. S.O. 631 [03.03.2014] Draft ESZ Notifictaion onNetravali Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](831.2 KB), Goa 24/03/2014 49. S.O. No. 555 [17.02.2015] Final ESZ Notification onNetravali WLS [PDF](1.56 MB), Goa
80. S.O. 632 [03.03.2014] Draft ESZ Notification on Madei Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](631.87 KB), Goa 24/03/2014 50. S.O. 616 [25.02.2015] Final ESZ Notification on Madei WLS[PDF](2.48 MB), Goa

S .O. No. 3754(E) [03.09.2024] Amendment in the Final Notification of Eco-sensitive Zone around Madei WLS[PDF](1.74 MB), Goa
81. S.O. 635 [13.03.2014] Draft Notification on Bhagwan Mahaveer Wildlife Sanctuary and National Park[PDF](986.51 KB), Goa 24/03/2014 51. S.O. No. 221 [23.01.2015] Final ESZ Notification onBhagwan Mahaveer WLS[PDF](1.51 MB) ,Goa


S.O. No. 3513(E) [07.08.2023] Amendment in the Final Notification of Eco-sensitive Zone around Bhagwan Mahaveer Wildlife Sanctuary, in the state of Goa [PDF](1,106 KB), Goa

S .O. No. 3548 (E) [21.08.2024] Amendment in the Final Notification of Eco-sensitive Zone around Amendment in the Final Notification of Eco-sensitive Zone around Bhagwan Mahaveer Wildlife Sanctuary, in the state of Goa [PDF](2.14 MB), Goa

82. S.O. 633(E) [03.03.2014] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive zone around Bondla Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](972.99 KB), Goa 03/05/2016

52. S.O. 615 [25.01.2015] Final ESZ Notification on Bondla WLS[PDF](863.6 KB), Goa


S.O. No. 3026(E) [29.07.2024] Amendment in the Final Notification of Eco-sensitive Zone around Bondla Wildlife Sanctuary, in the state of Goa [PDF](1,072 KB), Goa

Gujarat 83. S.O. 353 (E) [29.2.2012] Draft Notification declaring Eco sensitive Zone around Marine National Park and Marine Sanctuary[PDF](762.62 KB), Gujarat 04/04/2016 53. S.O. 2561 [22.08.2013] Final ESZ Notification on Marine National and Marine Sanctuary[PDF](2.13 MB), Gujarat 06/09/2013
84. S.O. 1264 [01.06.2011] Draft ESZ Notification on Girnar WL Sanctuary[PDF](1.78 MB), Gujarat 54. S.O. 1260 [31.05.2012] Final ESZ Notification onGirnar Reserve Forest[PDF](1.43 MB), Gujarat


S.O. No. 5236 (E) [10.11.2022] Amendment in the ESZ Notification around Girnar Wildlife Sanctuary, in the state of Gujarat. [PDF](1,054 KB), Gujarat

26/05/2013 & 16/11/2022
85. S.O. 1265 [01.06.2011] Draft ESZ Notification onNarayan Sarovar Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](1.18 MB), Gujarat 55. S.O. 1257 [31.05.2012] Final ESZ Notification onNarayan Sarovar Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](984.21 KB), Gujarat


S.O. No. 3515(E) [07.08.2023] Amendment in the Final Notification of Eco-sensitive Zone around Narayan Sarovar Wildlife Sanctuary, in the state of Gujarat [PDF](1,113 KB), Gujarat

26/05/2013 & 07/08/2023
86. S.O. 1266 [01.06.2011] Draft ESZ Notification on Purna WL Sanctuary[PDF](711.75 KB), Gujarat 56. S.O. 1259 [31.05.2012] Final ESZ Notification on Purna Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](925.33 KB), Gujarat


S.O. No. 5313(E) [12.12.2023] Amendment in the Final Notification of Eco-sensitive Zone around Purna Wildlife Sanctuary, in the state of Gujarat[PDF](1,362 KB)

87. S.O. 1267 [01.06.2011] Draft ESZ Notification onVansda WLS[PDF](4.19 MB), Gujarat 57. S.O. No. 1258 [31.05.2012] Final ESZ Notification onVansda NP[PDF](3.15 MB), Gujarat


S.O. No. 5316(E) [12.12.2023] Amendment in the Final Notification of Eco-sensitive Zone around Vansda National Park, in the state of Gujarat[PDF](750 KB)

26/05/2013 & 12/12/2023
88. S.O. 2991[02.11.2015] Draft ESZ Notification on Barda Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](827.5 KB), Gujarat 10/11/2015 58.

S.O. 1365(E) [28.04.2017] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Barda Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](2.25 MB), Gujarat

89. S.O. 3202 [18.10.2013] Draft ESZ Notification on Thol Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](4.14 MB), Gujarat 59. S.O. 421 [0902.2015] Final ESZ Notification on Thol Bird Sanctuary[PDF](1.44 MB), Gujarat
90.  S.O. 2079 E [30.07.2015] Draft ESZ Notification on Shoolpaneshwar Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](18.17 MB), Gujarat & Map[PDF](186.17 KB) 04/08/2015 60. S.O.1653(E) [05.05.2016] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Shoolpaneshwar Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](1.11 MB), Gujarat 10/05/2016
91.  S.O. 3129 [20.11.2015] Porbander Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](1.06 MB), Gujarat & Map[PDF](162.57 KB) 61. S.O. 1829(E) [07.05.2018] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Porbandar Wildlife Sanctuary,[PDF](3.47 MB) Gujarat. 11/05/2018
92. S.O. 3083 (E) [21.09.2017] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Porbander Bird Sanctuary, Gujarat[PDF](2.49 MB) Re-Notification New 25/09/2017
93. SO 3338(E)[09.12.2015] Draft notification declaring Eco-sensitive Zone around the Gaga Wildlife Sanctuary [PDF](2.27 MB)in the state of Gujarat. 30/12/2015 62. S.O. 1865 (E) [09.06.2017] Final Notification Declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Gaga Sanctuary[PDF](2.56 MB), Gujarat 15/06/2017
94. SO 3341(E)[07.12.2015] Draft notification declaring Eco-sensitive Zone around the Nalsarovar Bird Sanctuary[PDF](2.5 MB) in the state of Gujarat. 30/12/2015 63. S.O. 1812 [07.06.2017] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Nalsarovar Bird Sanctuary[PDF](1.95 MB), Gujarat
S .O. No. 4572(E) [18.10.2024] Amendment in the Final Notification of Eco-sensitive Zone around Nalsarovar Bird Sanctuary[PDF](2.09 MB), Gujarat
95. SO 3495(E)[18.12.2015] Draft notification declaring Eco-sensitive Zone around the Hingolgadh Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](824.43 KB) in the state of Gujarat. 13/01/2016 64. S.O. 1942 (E) [20.06.2017] Final Notification Declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Hingolgadh Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](2.57 MB), Gujarat 23/06/2017
96. SO 67(E)[21.12.2015] Draft notification declaring Eco-sensitive Zone around the Velvadar Black Buck Wildlife Sanctuary [PDF](650.67 KB)in the state of Gujarat 18/01/2016 65. S.O. 2149 (E) [06.07.2017] Final Notification Declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Velavadhar Wild Life Sanctuary,[PDF](3.16 MB) Gujarat 28/07/2017
97. S.O. 2941 (E) [06.09.2017] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Khijadia Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](3.09 MB), Gujarat Re–notification New 12/09/2017 66. S.O. 2950(E) [19.06.2018] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Khijadiya Wildlife Sanctuary,[PDF](5.48 MB) Gujarat. 22/06/2018
98. S.O. 3370 (E) [03.11.2016]: Draft notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Gir National Park[PDF](1.77 MB), the Gir Wildlife Sanctuary, the Paniya Wildlife Sanctuary and the Mitiyala Wildlife Sanctuary, Gujarat.
S.O. No. 3997(E) [18.09.2024] Draft Notification of Eco-sensitive Zone around Gir National Park[PDF](4.50 MB), the Gir Wildlife Sanctuary, the Paniya Wildlife Sanctuary and the Mitiyala Wildlife Sanctuary, Gujarat.Re-notification New
99. S.O. 72 (E) [10.01.2017] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Rampara Wildlife Sanctuary,[PDF](1.37 MB) Gujarat. 23/01/2017 67. S.O. 4108(E) [29.12.2017] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Rampara Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](3.95 MB), Gujarat. 12/01/2018
100. S. O. 351 (E) [06.02.2017] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Jessore WLS[PDF](1.45 MB), Gujarat. 10/02/2017 68. S.O. 3342(E) [16.10.2017] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Jessore Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](2.4 MB), Gujarat 02/11/2017
101. S.O. 3574(E) [10.11.2017] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Ratanmahal Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](4.06 MB), Gujarat. 15/11/2017 69. S.O. 549(E) [30.01.2019] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Ratanmahal Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](2.4 MB), Gujarat 08/02/2019
102. S.O. 4109(E) [29.12.2017] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Jambugodha Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](5.08 MB) , Gujarat. 12/01/2018 70. S.O. 1316(E) [11.03.2019] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Jambugodha Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](6.00 MB), Gujarat 18/03/2019
103. S.O. 231(E) [15.01.2018] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Kutch Bustard Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](3.78 MB) , Gujarat. 25/01/2018 71. S.O. 6117(E) [11.12.2018] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Kutch Bustard Sanctuary Wildlife[PDF](2.42 MB), Sanctuary, Gujarat. 21/12/2018
104. S.O. 262(E) [16.01.2018] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Wild Ass Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](7.8 MB) , Gujarat. 25/01/2018 72. S.O. 5138(E) [04.10.2018] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Wild Ass Sanctuary[PDF](6.3 MB), Gujarat. 12/10/2018
105. S.O. 4775(E) [11.09.2018] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Kutch Desert Sanctuary[PDF](3.63 MB) , Gujarat. 25/09/2018 73. S.O. 3150(E) [30.08.2019] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Kutch Desert Sanctuary [PDF](51 KB), Gujarat. 03/09/2019
106. S.O. 55(E) [05.01.2021] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Balaram Ambaji Sanctuary,[PDF](3.63 MB) , Gujarat. 06/01/2021 74. S.O.4618(E) [08.11.2021] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Balaram Ambaji Sanctuary,[PDF](2.83 MB) , Gujarat. 13/11/2021
Haryana 107. S.O. 364(E) [29.01.2009] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around
Sultanpur National Park[PDF](77 KB), Haryana
03/05/2016 75. S.O. No 191 [27.01.2010]
Final ESZ Notification on Sultanpur NP[PDF](1.25 MB), Haryana
108.  S.O. 740(E) [17.02.2021] Amendment in final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around
Sultanpur National Park , [PDF](1.39 MB),
in the State of Haryana
109.  S.O. 1395 [25.05.2015] Draft ESZ Notification on
Khol Hi Raitan Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](8.9 MB), Haryana
Map[PDF](559.55 KB)
02/09/2015 77. S. O. 3308 [26.10.2016] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone aroundKhol Hi Raitan Wildlife Sanctuary,[PDF](1.52 MB) Haryana
S .O. No. 148(E) [08.01.2025] Amendment in the Final Notification of Eco-sensitive Zone aroundKhol Hi Raitan Wildlife Sanctuary,[PDF](1.77 MB) Haryana
110.  S.O. 1499 [01.06.2015] Draft ESZ Notification on
Nahar Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](6.31 MB), Haryana
Map[PDF](394.09 KB)
78.  S.O. 3371(E) [18.08.2021] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around
Nahar Wildlife Sanctuary, [PDF](1.39 MB),Haryana
111.  S.O. 4272(E) [27.11.2020] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around
Nahar Wildlife Sanctuary, [PDF](1.39 MB),
Haryana Re-Notification New
112.  S.O. 1447 [26.05.2015]
Bir Shikargarh Wildlife Sanctuar[PDF](14.54 MB), Haryana
Map[PDF](196.95 KB)
79. S.O. 3516(E) [23.11.2016] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around
Bir Shikargarh Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](1.31 MB), Haryana.
113.  S.O. 1948 [17.06.2015] Draft ESZ Notification on
Khaparwas Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](10.27 MB), Haryana
Map[PDF](331.11 KB)
10/09/2015 80.  S. O. 68 (E) [10.01.2017] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around

Khaparwas Wildlife[PDF](2.1 MB) Sanctuary, Haryana
114.  S.O. 2540 [17.09.2015] Draft ESZ Notification on
Kalesar National Park[PDF](9.1 MB), U.P.-HP- Uttarkahand-Haryana
Map[PDF](507.75 KB)
06/10/2015 81.  S.O 1485 [22.4.2016] Final Notification of decalring Eco-sensitive Zone around Kalesar National Park[PDF](1.08 MB) and
Kalesar Wildlife Sanctuary
in the State of Haryana Map
1115.  S.O.1512 [09.06.2015] Draft ESZ Notification on
Bhindawas Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](10.57 MB), Haryana
(401.93 KB)
10/09/2015 82. S.O. 3100(E) [30.09.2016] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone aroundBhindawas Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](2.2 MB), Haryana
S .O. No. 191(E) [10.01.2025] Amendment in the Final Notification of Eco-sensitive Zone aroundBhindawas Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](1.73 MB), Haryana
116. SO 3548(E)[30.12.2015] Draft notification declaring Eco-sensitive Zone around the
Chhilchhila Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](993.04 KB) in the state of Haryana Map[PDF](108.71 KB)
08/01/2015 83. S. O. 436 [14.02.2017] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Chhilchhila Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](1.36 MB), Haryana
S .O. No. 5534(E) [23.12.2024] Amendment in the Final Notification of Eco-sensitive Zone around Chhilchhila Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](218 KB), Haryana
117. S.O. 4110(E) [29.12.2017] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around
Asolabhattie Wildlife Sanctuary,
(2.29 MB) Haryana.
12/01/2018 84. S.O. 1911(E) [31.05.2019] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around
Asola Bhatti Wildlife Sanctuary,[PDF](20 KB) Haryana.
Himachal Pradesh 118. S.O. 1949 [17.07.2015] Draft ESZ Notification on Bandli Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](7.66 MB) , Himachal Pradesh& Map[PDF](563.76 KB) 28/09/2015
119.  S.O. 4273(E) [27.11.2020] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Bandli Wildlife Sanctuary, [PDF](1.39 MB), Himachal Pradesh. Re-Notification New 01/12/2020
120. S.O. 2539 [17.09.2015] Draft ESZ Notification on Daranghati Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF][PDF](9.46 MB), Himachal Pradesh & Map[PDF](719.2 KB) 06/10/2015 85. S.O. 838 (E) [16.03.2017] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Daranghati Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](1.52 MB), Himachal Pradesh.

S .O. No. 3249(E) [12.08.2024] Amendment in the Final Notification of Eco-sensitive Zone around Daranghati Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](1.71 MB), Himachal Pradesh.
121.  SO 3233(E)[26.11.2015] Draft notification declaring Eco-sensitive Zone around the Lippa-Asrang Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF] (1.06 MB)in the state of Himachal Pradesh & Map 09/12/2015
122.  S.O. 3099 [17.11.2015] Pong Dam Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](1.17 MB), Himachal Pradesh & Map
123.  S.O. 2021(E) [28.04.2022] Re-Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Pong Dam Lake Wildlife Sanctuary, [PDF](1.17 MB), in the state of Himachal Pradesh. Re-notification New 28/04/2022
124.  S.O. 3128 [20.11.2015] Chail Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](3.88 MB), Himachal Pradesh & Map
125. S.O. 3631(E) [15.10.2020] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around  Chail Wildlife Sanctuary, [PDF](564 KB) Himachal Pradesh Re-notification New 19/10/2020 86. S.O.39(E) [05.01.2022] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Chail Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](2.42 MB), Himachal Pradesh 05/01/2022
126. SO 3330(E)[09.12.2015] Draft notification declaring Eco-sensitive Zone around the Simbalbara Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](323.25 KB) in the state of Himachal Pradesh. 30/12/2015
127. S.O. 4697(E) [24.12.2020] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around  Col. Sher Jun National Park ( Earlier Simbalbara National Park), [PDF](56 KB) Himachal PradeshRe-notification New 28/12/2020 87. S.O.172(E) [13.01.2022] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Col. Sher Jung National Park (also known as Simbalbara National Park)[PDF](3.42 MB), Himachal Pradesh 13/01/2022
128. SO 3332(E)[09.12.2015] Draft notification declaring Eco-sensitive Zone around the MajathalWildlife Sanctuary[PDF](959.48 KB) in the state of Himachal Pradesh. 30/12/2015 88. S.O. 1813 (E) [07.06.2017] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Majathal Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](2.42 MB), Himachal Pradesh 12/06/2017
129. SO 3339(E)[09.12.2015] Draft notification declaring Eco-sensitive Zone around the Shimla Water Catchment Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](2.62 MB) in the state of Himachal Pradesh. 30/12/2015 89. S.O. 1858 [08.06.2017] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Shimla Water Catchment WLS[PDF](2.46 MB), Himachal Pradesh 13/06/2017
130. SO 3494(E)[18.12.2015] Draft notification declaring Eco-sensitive Zone around the Dhauladhar Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](2.6 MB) in the state of Himachal Pradesh 13/01/2016
113. S.O. 2183(E) [07.06.2021] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around  Dhauladhar Wildlife Sanctuary, [PDF](5.6 MB) Himachal PradeshRe-notification New 11/06/2021 90. S.O.65(E) [05.01.2022] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Dhauladhar Wildlife Sanctuary,[PDF](1.01 MB), Himachal Pradesh. 05/01/2022
114. S.O. 573(E) [19.02.2016] Draft Notification declaring Eco sensitive Zone around Khokhan Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](2.01 MB), Himachal Pradesh 04/03/2016
114. S.O. 4698(E) [24.12.2020] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around  Khokhan Wildlife Sanctuary, Himachal PradeshRe-notification New 28/12/2020 91. S.O.152(E) [12.01.2022] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Khokhan Wildlife Sanctuary,[PDF](3.01 MB), Himachal Pradesh. 12/01/2022
115. S.O.571 (E) [23.02.2016] Draft Notification declaring Eco sensitive Zone around Manali Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](523.74 KB), Himachal Pradesh 04/03/2016 92. S.O.3583(E) [ 12.10.2020] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Manali Bird Sanctuary,[PDF](2.01 MB), Himachal Pradesh. 16/10/2020
115. S.O. 1016(E) [06.03.2020] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Manali Bird Sanctuary ,[PDF](5.62KB) Himachal PradeshRe-notification New 11/03/2020
116. S.O. 609(E) [24.02.2016] Draft Notification declaring Eco sensitive Zone around Shikari Devi Wildlife Sanctuary,[PDF](846.69 KB) Himachal Pradesh 04/03/2016
116. S.O. 123(E) [12.01.2021] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Shikari Devi Sanctuary, [PDF](3.05 MB),Himachal Pradesh Re-notification New 18/01/2021 93. S.O.41(E) [05.01.2022] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Shikari Devi Sanctuary,[PDF](2.01 MB), Himachal Pradesh. 05/01/2022
117. S.O.608(E) [24.02.2016] Draft Notification declaring Eco sensitive Zone around Nargu Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](300.66 KB), Himachal Pradesh 08/03/2016
117. S.O. 4048(E) [11.11.2020] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Nargu Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](300.66 KB), Himachal Pradesh Re-notification New 25/11/2020 94. S.O. 1331(E) [25.03.2022] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Nargu Wildlife Sanctuary, Himachal Pradesh[PDF](4.52 MB), Himachal Pradesh. 25/03/2022
118. S.O. 1053(E) [11.03.2016] Draft Notification declaring Eco sensitive Zone around Pin Valley National Park[PDF](878.22 KB), Himachal Pradesh 18/03/2016
119. S.O 1441(E) [19.04.2016] Draft Notification declaring Eco sensitive Zone around Kais Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](1.16 MB), Himachal Pradesh 28/04/2016
119. S.O. 566(E) [05.02.2021] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Kais Wildlife Sanctuary (1.39 MB),Himachal Pradesh Re-Notification New 09/02/2021 95. S.O.4793(E) [22.11.2021] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Kais Wildlife Sanctuary, Himachal Pradesh[PDF](1.52 MB), Himachal Pradesh. 10/12/2021
120. S.O 1440(E) [19.04.2016] Draft Notification declaring Eco sensitive Zone around Kanawar Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](1.33 MB), Himachal Pradesh 28/04/2016 96. S.O.4615(E) [08.11.2021] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Kanawar Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](2.23 MB), Himachal Pradesh 13/11/2021
120. S.O. 4274(E) [27.11.2020] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Kanawar Wildlife Sanctuary, (1.39 MB),Himachal Pradesh Re-Notification New 01/12/2020
121. S.O. 1566(E) [28.04.2016] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive zone around Kibber Wild Life Sanctuary[PDF](5.27 MB), Himachal Pradesh 06/05/2016 97. S.O. 2135(E) [06.05.2022] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Kibber Wildlife Sanctuary [PDF](1.72 MB), in the state of Himachal Pradesh. 06/05/2022
122. S.O.1822(E) [19.05.2016] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Kugti Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](1.72 MB), Himachal Pradesh 25/05/2016 98. S.O.2775(E) [12.07.2021] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Kugti Wildlife Sanctuary [PDF](1.72 MB), Himachal Pradesh 13/07/2021
122. S.O. 1018(E) [06.03.2020] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around  Kugti  Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](98 KB).  Himachal PradeshRe-notification New 13/03/2020
123. S.O. 1967(E) [03.06.2016] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Kalatop – Khajjiar Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](658.59 KB), Himachal Pradesh 09/06/2016 99. S.O. 3875(E) [ 27.10.2020] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Kalatop- Khajjar Sanctuary, Himachal Pradesh. [PDF](98 KB) Sanctuary 02/11/2020
123. S.O. 1019(E) [06.03.2020] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around  Kalatop-Khajjar Sanctuary[PDF](564 KB) , Himachal PradeshRe-notification New 13/03/2020
124. S.O.1976(E) [03.06.2016] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Sangla Valley (Rakchham-Chitkul) Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](987.4 KB), Himachal Pradesh 09/06/2016 100. S.O. 2404 (E) [28.07.2017] Final Notification Declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Rakchham-Chitkul Wildlife Sanctuary (previously known as Sangla Valley)[PDF](2.01 MB), Himachal Pradesh. 03/08/2017
101. S.O.409(E) [01.02.2022] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Tundah Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](3.01 MB), Himachal Pradesh. 01/02/2022
102. S.O.415(E) [ 01.02.2022] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Gamgul Siyabehi Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](1.01 MB), Himachal Pradesh. 01/02/2022
125. S.O. 1978(E) [03.06.2016] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Chandertal Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](2.41 MB), Himachal Pradesh 13/06/2016
126. S.O. 1975(E) [03.06.2016] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Churdhar Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](1.96 MB), Himachal Pradesh 13/06/2016
127. S.O. 1969(E) [03.06.2016] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Talra Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](1.84 MB), Himachal Pradesh 13/06/2016 103. S.O. 3710(E) [22.11.2017] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Talra Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](6.7 MB), Himachal Pradesh. 29/11/2017
128. S.O. 2276(E) [01.07.2016] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Sechu Tuan Nala Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](1.37 MB), Himachal Pradesh 21/07/2016 104. S.O. 3193 (E) [29.09.2017] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Sechu Tuan Nala Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](2.14 MB), Himachal Pradesh 09/10/2017
129. S.O. 2482(E) [21.07.2016] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Inderkila National Park[PDF](1.25 MB), Himachal Pradesh 28/07/2016 105. S.O. 277(E) [17.01.2018] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Inderkila National Park,[PDF](4.29 MB) Himachal Pradesh. 25/01/2018
130. S.O. 2481(E) [21.07.2016] Draft notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Renuka Ji Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](2.16 MB), Himachal Pradesh 29/07/2016 131. S.O.3682(E) [10.09.2021] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Shri Renukaji Wildlife Sanctuary, [PDF](2.16 MB), Himachal Pradesh 15/09/2021
131. S.O. 3581(E) [13.10.2020] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Sri Renukaji Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](2.16 MB), Himachal Pradesh Re-notification New 16/10/2020
132. S.O. 2628(E) [05.08.2016] Draft notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Great Himalayan National Park Conservation Area[PDF](1.32 MB), Himachal Pradesh 22/08/2016
133. S.O. 1194(E) [20.03.2020] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around  Kibber Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](321 KB) , Himachal Pradesh 14/04/2020
134. S.O. 2777(E) [12.07.2021] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around   Rupi Bhabha WLS [PDF](394 KB) , Himachal Pradesh 13/07/2021
Jammu and Kashmir 135. S.O. 1167(E) [21.03.2016] Draft Notification declaring Eco sensitive Zone around Ramnagar Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](556 KB), Jammu and Kashmir 30/03/2016 106. S.O. 2128(E) [01.06.2021] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Ramnagar Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](3.40 MB), Jammu and Kashmir 03/06/2021
135. S.O. 3582(E) [13.10.2020] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Ramnagar Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](3.05 MB), Jammu and Kashmir Re-notification New 16/10/2020
136. S.O. 1567(E) [28.04.2016] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive zone around Nandini Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](3.05 MB), Jammu and Kashmir 06/05/2016
136. S.O. 2918(E) [23.07.2021] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around
Nandini Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](2.45 MB), Jammu and Kashmir Re-notification New
137. S.O. 2274 (E) [20.07.2017] Draft Notification Declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Surinsar Mansar Wildlife Sanctuary,[PDF](225 KB) Jammu & Kashmir 26/07/2017
137. S.O. 122(E) [12.01.2021] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Surinsar-Mansar Wildlife [PDF](3.05 MB),Sanctuary, Jammu & Kashmir Re-notification New 18/01/2021 107. S.O.210(E) [17.01.2022] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Surinsar-Mansar Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](547 KB), Jammu and Kashmir 17/01/2022
138. S.O. 3530(E) [06.11.2017] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Jasrota Wildlife Sanctuary,[PDF](3.18 MB) Jammu & Kashmir 13/11/2017 108. S.O. 3871(E) [29.10.2019] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Jasrota Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](447 KB), Jammu and Kashmir 30/10/2019
139. S.O. 3461(E) [25.09.2019] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Rajparian Santuary[PDF](456 KB)Jammu & Kashmir. 30/09/2019 109.  S.O. 1958(E) [ 18.06.2020] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around  Rajparian Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](632 KB), Jammu & Kashmir  24/06/2020
140. S.O. 1874(E) [09.06.2020] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Hirapora Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](445 KB), Jammu & Kashmir. 15/06/2020 110. S.O. 2406(E) [ 18.06.2021] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Hirapora Sanctuary [PDF](332 KB), Jammu & Kashmir. 22/06/2021
141. S.O. 121(E) [12.01.2021] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Kishtewar National Park, [PDF](3.05 MB)Jammu & Kashmir 18/01/2021 111. S.O.4262(E) [13.10.2021] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Kishtewar National Park, [PDF](3.05 MB)Jammu & Kashmir 21/10/2021
142. S.O. 436(E) [28.01.2021] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Tata Kutti Wildlife Sanctuary [PDF](3.05 MB)Jammu & Kashmir 01/02/2021
143. S.O. 2180(E) [07.06.2021] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Kazi Nag NP (Kazinag National Park, Limber Sanctuary and Lachipora Sanctuary) [PDF](3.05 MB), Jammu & Kashmir 11/06/2021 112. S.O. 1330(E) [25.03.2022] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Kazinag National Park Kazinag National Park, [PDF](2.05 MB)Jammu & Kashmir 25/03/2022
143. S.O. 2184(E) [07.06.2021] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Dachigham National Pak , Baltal Thajwas Sanctuary and Overa-Aru Sanctuary[PDF](3.05 MB), Jammu & Kashmir


S.O. No. 4227(E) [26.09.2023] Re-Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Dachigham National Park, [PDF](3,397 KB) Jammu and KashmirRe-notification New

11/06/2021 and 26/09/2023
144. S.O. 2182(E) [07.06.2021] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Gulmarg Wildlife Sanctuary [PDF](3.05 MB), Jammu & Kashmir 11/06/2021 113. S.O.2141(E) [06.05.2022] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Gulmarg Wildlife Sanctuary, Jammu & Kashmir.[PDF](223 KB) 01/09/2022
145. S.O. No. 4325(E) [03.10.2024] Draft Notification of Eco-sensitive Zone around Tral Wildlife Sanctuary [PDF](2.12 MB), Jammu & Kashmir 08/10/2024    
Jharkhand 145. S.O. 680 [29.03.2012] Draft ESZ Notifictaion on for Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](1.46 MB), Jharkand-West Bengal & Map[PDF](184.77 KB) 114. S.O. 680 [29.03.2012] Final ESZ Notifictaion on for Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](1.46 MB), Jharkand-West Bengal


S.O. No. 3141(E) [14.07.2023] Amendment in the Final Notification of Eco-sensitive Zone around Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary [PDF](1,129 KB), in the state of Jharkhand

146.  S.O. 2244 [18.08.2015] Draft ESZ Notification on Hazaribag Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](4.3 MB), Jharkhand & Map[PDF](216.39 KB) 29/10/2015
146. S.O. 695(E) [16.02.2018] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Hazaribagh WLS[PDF](3.86 MB), Jharkhand. Re-Notification New. 20/02/2018 115. S.O. 2775(E) [01.08.2019] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Hazaribagh Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](555 KB), Jharkhand 06/08/2019
147. SO 3336(E)[30.11.2015] Draft notification declaring Eco-sensitive Zone around the Betla National Park, Palamau Wildlife Sanctuary and Mahuadanr Wolf Sanctuary Sanctuary[PDF](991.5 KB) in the state of Jharkhand & Map[PDF](133.78 KB) 30/12/2015 116. S.O. 2898(E) [09.08.2019] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Palamau Tiger Reserve , [PDF](899 KB)Jharkhand 16/08/2019
147. S.O. 779(E) [22.02.2018] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Betla National Park, Palamau Wildlife Sanctuary and Mahuadanr Wolf Sanctuary WLS[PDF](2.42 MB), Jharkhand.Re-Notification New. 03/05/2018
148. S.O. 624(E) [09.02.2018] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Udwa lake Bird Sanctuary,[PDF](4.15 MB) Jharkhand. 20/02/2018 117. .S.O. 2774(E) [01.08.2019] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Udwa Lake Bird Sanctuary, Jharkhand[PDF](223 KB) 05/08/2019
149. 777(E) [22.02.2018] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Gauatam Buddha Sanctuary,[PDF](3.29 MB) Jharkhand. 03/05/2018 118. S.O. 2796(E) [05.08.2019] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Gauatam Buddha Sanctuary[PDF](231 KB), Jharkhand 13/08/2019
150. S.O. 776(E) [22.02.2018] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Palkot WLS,[PDF](2.92 MB) Jharkhand. 03/05/2018 119. S.O. 2897(E) [09.08.2019]Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Palkot Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](123 KB), Jharkhand. 16/08/2019
151. S.O. 798(E) [26.02.2018] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Parasnath and Topchanachi, Sanctuary,[PDF](3.83 MB) Jharkhand. 08/03/2018 120. S.O. 2795(E) [05.08.2019] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Parasnath and Topchanachi Sanctuary[PDF](253 KB) Jharkhand 13/08/2019
152. S.O. 774(E) [22.02.2018] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Kederma WLS,[PDF](3 MB) Jharkhand. 05/03/2018 121. S.O. 2895(E) [09.08.2019]Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Kederma Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](456 KB), Jharkhand 16/08/2019
153. S.O. 775(E) [21.02.2018] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Lawalong WLS,[PDF](4.15 MB) Jharkhand. 20/02/2018 122. S.O. 2896(E) [09.08.2019] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Lawalong Sanctuary[PDF](124 KB), Jharkhand 14/08/2019
Karnataka 154. S.O. 2154 [2109.2011] Draft ESZ Notification on Bandipur National Park[PDF](1.27 MB), Karnataka 123. S.O. No. 2364 [04.10.2012] Final ESZ Notification on Bandipur NP[PDF](2.47 MB), Karnataka


S.O. No. 5237(E) [10.11.2022] Amendment in the Final Notification of Eco-sensitive Zone around Bandipur National Park and Tiger Reserve, in the state of Karnataka. (ESZ) [PDF](1,149 KB), Karnataka

26/05/2013 & 16-11-2022
155. S.O. 2609 [22.09.2015] Draft ESZ Notification on Daroji Bear Sanctuary[PDF](515.08 KB), Karnataka & Map[PDF](109.86 KB) 02/11/2015 124. S.O. 3528(E) [27.09.2019] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Daroji Bear Wildlife[PDF](456 KB) Sanctuary, Karnataka 03/10/2019
155. S.O. 4893(E) [19.09.2018] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone aroundDaroji Bear WLS[PDF](515.08 KB), Karnataka &(109.86 KB) Re-Notification New. 26/09/2018
156.  S.O. 2869 [19.10.2015] Draft ESZ Notification on Mookambika Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](1.16 MB), Karnataka & Map[PDF](364.15 KB) 02/11/2015 125. S.O. 1176(E) [13.04.2017] Final Notification Declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Mookambika Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](1.78 MB), Karnataka 01/05/2017
157. SO 3226(E)[23.11.2015] Draft notification declaring Eco-sensitive Zone around the brahmagiri Wildlife Sanctuary [PDF](641.79 KB)in the state of Karnataka 09/11/2015 126. S.O. 1701 (E) [26.05.2017] Final Notification declaring Eco-sensitive Zone around Brahmagiri Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](1.98 MB), Karnataka. 01/06/2017
158. SO 3329(E)[07.12.2015] Draft notification declaring Eco-sensitive Zone around the Arabithittu Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](705.72 KB) in the state of Karnataka. 30/12/2015 127. S.O. 1857 (E) [08.06.2017] Final Notification Declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Arabithittu Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](2.26 MB), Karnataka 15/06/2017
159. SO 3340(E)[09.12.2015] Draft notification declaring Eco-sensitive Zone around the Attiveri Bird Sanctuary[PDF](1.29 MB) in the state of Karnataka. 30/12/2015 128. S.O. 1815 (E) [07.06.2017] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Attiveri Bird Sanctuary[PDF](1.72 MB), Karnataka 12/06/2017
160. SO 3550(E)[29.12.2015] Draft notification declaring Eco-sensitive Zone around the Ghataprabha Bird Sanctuary[PDF](916.64 KB) in the state of Karnataka. 08/01/2015 129. S.O. 2029 (E) [28.06.2017] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Ghataprabha Bird Sanctuary[PDF](2.11 MB), Karnataka 04/07/2017
161. S.O. 1197(E) [14.03.2023] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Sharavati Valley Lion Tailed Macaque (LTM) Sanctuary, [PDF](3,920 KB) in the state of Karnataka 14/03/2023 130. • S.O. 4950(E) [16.11.2023] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Sharavathi Valley Wildlife Sanctuary Wildlife Sanctuary, Karnataka. 28/11/2023
161. S.O. 4894(E) [19.09.2018] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone aroundSharavathi Valley WLS[PDF](2.79 MB)Re-Notification New. 08/01/2015
162. SO 64(E)[07.01.2016] Draft notification declaring Eco-sensitive Zone around the Ranebennur Black Buck Sanctuary[PDF](786.84 KB) in the state of Karnataka 13/01/2016 131. S.O. 2147 (E) [06.07.2017] Final Notification Declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Ranebennur Blackbuck Sanctuary[PDF](1.57 MB), Karnataka 11/08/2017
163. SO 71(E)[07.01.2016] Draft notification declaring Eco-sensitive Zone around the Rangayyadurga Four Horned Antelope Wildlife Sanctuary Sanctuary[PDF](685.79 KB) in the state of Karnataka 13/01/2016 132. S.O. 1811 (E) [07.06.2017] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Rangayyanadurga Four Horned Antelope Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](2.27 MB), Karnataka


S.O. No. 4421(E) [11.10.2023] Amendment in the Final Notification of Eco-sensitive Zone around Rangayyanadurga Four Horned Antelope Wildlife Sanctuary, in the state of Karnataka [PDF](1,159 KB), Karnataka

12/06/2017 & 25/11/2023
164. SO 63(E)[07.01.2016] Draft notification declaring Eco-sensitive Zone around the Kudremukh National Park [PDF](735.77 KB)in the state of Karnataka 30/12/2015 133.   S.O. 2188(E) [ 02.07.2020] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Kudremukh National Park[PDF](223 KB), Karnataka.  06/07/2020
164. S.O. 3859(E) [25.10.2019] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Kudermukh National Park[PDF](365 KB), Karnataka Re-Notification New. 30/10/2019
165. SO 3565(E)[09.08.2023] Draft notification declaring Eco-sensitive Zone around the Bhimgad Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](2,268 KB) in the state of Karnataka 09/08/2023
166. S.O. 1226(E) [14.03.2023] Draft Notification declaring Eco sensitive Zone around Gudekote Sloth Bear Sanctuary[PDF](5,809 KB), Karnataka 14/03/2023

134. S.O. 4747 (E) [27.10.2017] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Gudekote Sloth Bear Sanctuary,[PDF](4.04 MB) Karnataka

167. S.O. 68(E) [07.01.2015] Draft Notification declaring Eco sensitive Zone around Gudavi Bird Sanctuary[PDF](690.78 KB), Karnataka 24/02/2016 135. S.O. 2148 (E) [06.07.2017] Final Notification Declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Gudavi Bird Sanctuary[PDF](2.04 MB), Karnataka
S .O. No. 5494(E) [19.12.2024] Amendment in the Final Notification of Eco-sensitive Zone around Gudavi Bird Sanctuary[PDF](11.76 MB), Karnataka
168. S.O. 139(E) [13.01.2016] Draft Notification declaring Eco sensitive Zone around Pushpagiri Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](533.3 KB), Karnataka 25/02/2016 136. S.O. 2020 (E) [28.06.2017] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Pushpagiri Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](2.04 MB), Karnataka 03/07/2017
169. S.O. 140(E) [13.01.2016] Draft Notification declaring Eco sensitive Zone around Someshwara Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](939.39 KB), Karnataka 25/02/2016 137. S.O. 2942 (E) [ 28.08.2020] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Someshwara Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](235 KB), Karnataka 31/08/2020
169. S.O. 3858(E) [25.10.2019] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Someshwara Wildlife Sanctuary [PDF](222 KB), Karnataka. Re-Notification New. 01/11/2019
170. S.O.656(E) [03.03.2016] Draft Notification declaring Eco sensitive Zone around Cauvery Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](5.21 MB), Karnataka 14/03/2016 138. S.O. 2733 [22.08.2017] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Cauvery Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](2.65 MB), Karnataka 11/09/2017
171. S.O.1274(E) [31.03.2016] Draft Notification declaring Eco sensitive Zone around Malai Mahadeshwara Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](5 MB), Karnataka 11/04/2016 139. S.O. 3031 (E) [14.09.2017] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Malai Mahadeshwara Wildlife[PDF](2.53 MB) Sanctuary, Karnataka 19/09/2017
172. S.O. 1275(E) [31.03.2016] Draft Notification declaring Eco sensitive Zone around Melukote Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](579.58 KB), Karnataka 11/04/2016 140. S.O. 3084 (E) [21.09.2017] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Melukote Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](2.23 MB), Karnataka
S .O. No. 115(E) [07.01.2025] Amendment in the Final Notification of Eco-sensitive Zone around Melukote Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](1.74 MB), Karnataka
173. S.O.142(E) [15.01.2016] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Talacauvery Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](594.25 KB), Karnataka 25/02/2016 141. S.O. 1564 (E) [15.05.2017] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Talacauvery Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](1.93 MB), Karnataka.
S .O. No. 4343(E) [07.10.2024] Amendment in the Final Notification of Eco-sensitive Zone around   Talacauvery Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](1.78 MB), Karnataka.
174. S.O. 1971(E) [03.06.2016] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Ranganathittu Bird Sanctuary[PDF](637.32 KB), Karnataka 13/06/2016 142. S.O. 3577(E) [10.11.2017] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Ranganthittu Bird Sanctuary[PDF](2.36 MB), Karnataka. 14/11/2017
175.  S.O. 1970(E) [03.06.2016] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Sree Ramadevarabetta Vulture Sanctuary(1.17 MB), Karnataka 13/06/2016 143.

S.O. 2993 (E) [12.09.2017] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Ramadevarabetta Vulture Sanctuary,[PDF](2.92 MB) Karnataka

176. S.O. 2116(E) [15.06.2016] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Bannerghatta National Park[PDF](1.87 MB), Karnataka 17/06/2016 144.  S.O. 1036(E) [11.03.2020] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around  Bannerghatta National Park [PDF](225 KB), Karnataka  13/03/2020
176. S.O. 5639(E) [02.11.2018] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Banerghatta National Park[PDF](2.00 MB), Karnataka Re-notification New 05/11/2018
177. S.O. 2635(E) [05.08.2016] Draft notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Bhadra Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](1016.96 KB), Karnataka 22/08/2016
177. S.O. 1961(E) [15.06.2020] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around  Bhadra Tiger Reserve, Karnataka Re-Notification New. 24/06/2020
178. S.O. 2631(E) [05.08.2016] Draft notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Biligirirangaswamy Temple Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](1.02 MB), Karnataka 22/08/2016 145. S.O. 4152(E) [19.11.2019] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Billigirangana Swamy Tiger Reserve[PDF](124 KB), Karnataka 25/11/2019
178. 4889(E) [19.09.2018] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone aroundBiligiriranganaswamy Tiger Reserve[PDF](1.00 MB), Karnataka Re-notification New 26/09/2018
179. S.O. 2636(E) [05.08.2016] Draft notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Chinchioli Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](372.98 KB), Karnataka 22/08/2016 146.

S.O. 2893(E) [09.08.2019]Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Chinchioli Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](124 KB), Karnataka.

179. 5137(E) [04.10.2018] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Chinchioli Sanctuary,[PDF](3.00 MB), KarnatakaRe-notification New 12/10/2018 147.

S.O. 1738(E) [04.06.2020] Final Amendment declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Chincholi Wildlife Santuary[PDF](222 KB) Karnataka.

180. S.O. 2627(E) [05.08.2016] Draft notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Nugu Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](1.82 MB), Karnataka 22/08/2016

148. S.O. 3132 (E) [27.09.2017] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Nugu Wildlife Sanctuary, [PDF](2.66 MB)Karnataka


S.O. No. 3039(E) [30.07.2024] Amendment in the Final Notification of Eco-sensitive Zone around Nugu Wildlife Sanctuary, in the state of Karnataka [PDF](1,070 KB), Karnataka

181. S.O. 3369 (E) [03.11.2016]: Draft notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Dandeli Wildlife Sanctuary and Anshi National Park[PDF](2.33 MB), Karnataka 8/11/2016
182. S.O. 2323 (E) [25.07.2017] Draft Notification Declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Nagarahole Tiger Reseve[PDF](3.13 MB), Karnataka 31/07/2017
183. S.O. 2940 (E) [06.09.2017] Draft Notification Declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Adichunchanagiri Peacock Sanctuary[PDF](1.98 MB) Karnataka 12/09/2017 149. S.O. 3032(E) [ 07.09.2020] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Adichunchanagri Peacock Sanctuary[PDF](1.98 MB) Karnataka 15/09/2020
183. S.O. 4441(E) [11.12.2019] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around  Adichunchangari Peacock Sanctuary [PDF](456 KB), Karnataka l   Re-Notification New. 20/12/2019
184. S.O. 1322(E) [23.04.2020] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Thimlapura Wildlife Santuary[PDF](123 KB), Karnataka. 27/04/2020 150. S.O. 3497(E) [ 08.10.2020] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Thimlapura Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](2.98 MB) Karnataka 12/10/2020
185. S.O. 1959(E) [15.06.2020] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Yadagalli Chinkara Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](785 KB), Karnataka 24/06/2020 151. S.O.787(E) [19.02.2021] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Yadagali Chinkara Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](124 KB) , Karnataka 22/02/2021
186. S.O. 2185(E) [07.06.2021] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Jogimatti Wildlife Sanctuary [PDF](231 KB), Karnataka 11/06/2021 152. S.O.5251(E) [17.12.2021] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Jogimatti Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](224 KB) , Karnataka 17/12/2021
187. S.O. No. 4262(E) [30.09.2024] Draft Notification of Eco-sensitive Zone around Kappathagudda Wildlife Sanctuary [PDF](9.24 MB), Karnataka 08/10/2024    
Kerala 187. SO 3327(E)[07.12.2015] Draft notification declaring Eco-sensitive Zone around the Chulannur Peafowl Sanctuary[PDF](1009.74 KB) in the state of Kerala 30/12/2015
188. SO 66(E)[07.01.2016] Draft notification declaring Eco-sensitive Zone around the Eravikulam National Park, Chinnar Wildlife Sanctuary, Anamudi Shola National Park, Pampadum Shola National Park and Kurinjimala Sanctuary[PDF](1.5 MB) in the state of Kerala 13/01/2016
188. S.O. 124(E) [12.01.2021] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Eravikulam National Park + 4 PAs , [PDF](3.05 MB),Kerala Re-notification New 18/01/2021
189. SO 65(E)[07.01.2016] Draft notification declaring Eco-sensitive Zone around the Shendurney Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](2.73 MB) in the state of Kerala 18/01/2016
189. S.O. 2939(E) [24.08.2020] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Shendurney WLS, Kerala [PDF](125 KB),  Re-Notification New. 31/08/2020
190. SO 69(E)[31.12.2015] Draft notification declaring Eco-sensitive Zone around the Malabar Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](323.07 KB) in the state of Kerala 18/01/2016
190. S.O. 2634(E) [05.08.2020] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around  Malabar WLS, Kerala[PDF](124 KB)    Re-Notification New Malayalam version 11/08/2020
191. S.O. 2634(E) [05.08.2020] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around  Malabar Wildlife Sanctuary, Kerala (Malayalam version) (Disclaimer: The contents of this publication are purely on the basis of submission made by the State Government of Kerala vide its letter No. D2/85/2021/FWLD, dated 04/02/2022. In case there are any discrepancy in this Malayalam version, the English version of the draft ESZ Notification published vide S.O.No.2634(E) dated 05.08.2020 (ESZ around Malabar Wildlife Sanctuary) shall prevail.)[PDF](224 KB)    Re-Notification (Malayalam version). 11/08/2020
191. S.O. 118(E) [06.01.2016] Draft Notification declaring Eco sensitive Zone around Silent Valley National Park[PDF](542.09 KB), Kerala Malayalam version 25/02/2016
191. S.O. 3880(E) [27.10.2020] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around   Silent Valley National Park, Kerala.[PDF](225 KB)    Re-Notification New. 02/11/2020
192. S.O. 3880(E) [27.10.2020] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around   Silent Valley National Park, Kerala (Malayalam version) (Disclaimer: The contents of this publication are purely on the basis of submission made by the State Government of Kerala vide its letter No. D2/85/2021/FWLD, dated 04/02/2022. In case there are any discrepancy in this Malayalam version, the English version of the draft ESZ Notification published vide S.O. No.3880(E) dated 27.10.2020 (ESZ around Silent Valley National Park) shall prevail.)[PDF](325 KB)    Re-Notification (Malayalam version). 02/11/2020
192.  S.O. 247(E) [27.01.2016] Draft Notification declaring Eco sensitive Zone around Thattekkad Bird Sanctuary[PDF](1.39 MB), Kerala 25/02/2016
192.  S.O.3454(E) [25.09.2020] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Thattekkada Bird Sanctuary[PDF](1.39 MB), Kerala Re-Notification New 07/10/2020
193. S.O.657(E) [03.03.2016] Draft Notification declaring Eco sensitive Zone around Peechi-Vazhani Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](1.66 MB), Kerala 14/03/2016
193.  S.O. 4271(E) [25.11.2020] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Peechi Wildlife Sanctuary, [PDF](1.39 MB), Kerala Re-Notification New 01/12/2020
194. S.O. 1248(E) [29.03.2016] Draft Notification declaring Eco sensitive Zone around Mathikettan Shola National Park[PDF](551.16 KB), Kerala 05/04/2016 153. S.O.4729(E) [28.12.2020] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Mathikettan Wildlife Sanctuary,[PDF](551.16 KB), Kerala 30/12/2020
194. S.O. 2771(E) [13.08.2020] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around  Mathikettan  Shola WLS[PDF](144 KB),  in the State of Kerala  Re-Notification New. 20/08/2020
195. S.O. 1249(E) [29.03.2016] Draft Notification declaring Eco sensitive Zone around Aralam Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](383.16 KB), Kerala 05/04/2016
195. S.O. 2393 (E) [20.07.2020] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Aralam Wildlife Sanctuary [PDF](222 KB)Kerala Re-Notification New 22/07/2020
196. S.O. 1276(E) [31.03.2016] Draft Notification declaring Eco sensitive Zone around Periyar Tiger Reserve[PDF](2.86 MB), Kerala 11/04/2016
197. S.O. 2632(E) [05.08.2016] Draft notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Chimmony Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](1.26 MB), Kerala 22/08/2016
198. S.O. 2634(E) [05.08.2016] Draft notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Idukki Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](1.82 MB), Kerala 22/08/2016
198. S.O. 2772(E) [13.08.2020] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Idukki WLS[PDF](256 KB), in the State of Kerala. Re-Notification New. 20/08/2020
199. S.O. 2633(E) [05.08.2016] Draft notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Neyyar and Peppara Wildlife Sanctuaries[PDF](845.46 KB), Kerala Malayalam version 22/08/2016
200. S.O. 1361(E) [25.03.2022] Re-Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Neyyar and Peppara Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](245.42 KB), Kerala. Re-Notification New 25/03/2022
200. S.O. 2637(E) [05.08.2016] Draft notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Parambikulam Tiger Reserve[PDF](819.88 KB), Kerala 22/08/2016
200. S.O. 440(E) [28.01.2021] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Parambikulam Tiger Reserve [PDF](4.19 MB), Kerala Re-notification New 01/02/2021
201. S.O. 2905(E) [09.09.2016] Draft notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Kottiyoor Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](493.17 KB), Kerela 15/09/2016
201. S.O. 2940(E) [24.08.2020] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Kottiyoor WLS, Kerala [PDF](111 KB),  Re-Notification New. 31/08/2020
202. S.O. 2810 (E) [29.08.2017] Draft Notification Declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Manglavanam Bird Sanctuary [PDF](2.41 MB)Kerala 12/09/2017
202. S.O. 3033(E) [07.09.2020] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Manglavanam Bird Sanctuary [PDF](2.41 MB)Kerala
Re-Notification New.
203. S.O. 4270(E) [25.11.2020] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Choolannur Pea Fowl Sanctuary, [PDF](2.41 MB)Kerala 01/12/2020
204. S.O. 4269(E) [25.11.2020] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Chimmony Wildlife Sanctuary, [PDF](2.41 MB)Kerala 01/12/2020
205. S.O. 438(E) [28.01.2021] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary [PDF](2.41 MB), Kerala 01/02/2021
Madhya Pradesh 206.  S.O. 1780 [30.06.2015] Draft ESZ Notification on Son Ghariyal Wildlife Sanctuary , Madhya Pradesh& Map[PDF](71.15 KB) 29/07/2015 154. S.O. 4030 (E) [14.12.2016] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Son Gharial Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](1.26 MB), Madhya Pradesh

S .O. No. 3584(E) [22.08.2024] Amendment in the Final Notification of Eco-sensitive Zone around Son Gharial Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](1.71 MB), Madhya Pradesh
207.  S.O. 2543 [15.09.2015] Draft Notification on Gandhi Sagar Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](8.44 MB), Madhya Pradesh 06/10/2015 155. S. O. 4029 (E) [14.12.2016] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Gandhi Sagar WLS[PDF](1.28 MB), Madhya Pradesh.

S .O. No. 3943(E) [13.09.2024] Amendment in the Final Notification of Eco-sensitive Zone around Gandhi Sagar Wildlife Sanctuary [PDF](1.76 MB), Madhya Pradesh.
208.  S.O. 2700 [05.10.2015] Draft ESZ Notification on Ghatigoan Hukna Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](1.96 MB), Madhya Pradesh & Map[PDF](313.59 KB) 02/11/2015 156. S.O. 4031 (E) [ 14.12.2016] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Ghatigaon Hukna Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](2.26 MB), Madhya Pradesh 20/12/2016
209. S.O. 655(E) [02.03.2016] Draft Notification declaring Eco sensitive Zone around Satpura Tiger Reserve[PDF](4.8 MB), Madhya Pradesh 11/03/2015 157. S.O. 2538 (E) [09.08.2017] Final Notification Declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Satpura Tiger Reserve[PDF](3.5 MB), Madhya Pradesh 16/08/2017
158. S.O. 1192 (E) [12.03.2021] Amendment in final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Satpura Tiger Reserve, Panchamri and Bori WLS, in the State of Madhya Pradesh[PDF](2.04 MB) 15/03/2021
210. S.O.658 (E) [02.03.2016] Draft Notification declaring Eco sensitive Zone around Dinosaur National Park[PDF](2.18 MB), Madhya Pradesh 11/03/2015 159. S.O. 2669 [17.08.2017] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Dinosaur National Park[PDF](2.4 MB), Madhya Pradesh 23/08/2017
211. S.O. 1245(E) [29.03.2016] Draft Notification declaring Eco sensitive Zone around Sailana Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](562.03 KB), Madhya Pradesh 05/04/2016 160. S.O. 3496(E) [ 08.10.2020] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Sailana Wildlife Sanctuary [PDF](2.4 MB), Madhya Pradesh 12/10/2020
212. S.O. 1244(E) [29.03.2016] Draft Notification declaring Eco sensitive Zone around Bandhavgarh National Park and Panpatha Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](1.19 MB), Madhya Pradesh 05/04/2016 161. S.O. 4027 (E) [ 14.12.2016] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Bandhavgarh National Park and Panpatha Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](1.66 MB), Madhya Pradesh 20/12/2016
213. S.O.1272(E) [31.03.2016] Draft Notification declaring Eco sensitive Zone around Bagdara Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](1.03 MB), Madhya Pradesh 11/04/2016 162. S.O. 3028 (E) [13.09.2017] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Bagdara Wildlife Sanctuary,[PDF](2.59 MB) Madhya Pradesh 19/09/2017
214. S.O.1271(E) [31.03.2016] Draft Notification declaring Eco sensitive Zone around Ghughua Fossil National Park[PDF](272.19 KB), Madhya Pradesh 11/04/2016 163. S.O. 3064 (E) [18.09.2017] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Ghughua Fossil National Park[PDF](1.63 MB), Madhya Pradesh

S .O. No. 3549(E) [21.08.2024] Amendment in the Final Notification of Eco-sensitive Zone around Ghugua Fossil National Park[PDF](1.73 MB), Madhya Pradesh


164. S.O. 2436(E) [24.07.2020] Final Amendment declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Ghuga Fossil National Park [PDF](2.59 MB),Madhya Pradesh 28/07/2020    
215. S.O.1273(E) [31.03.2016] Draft Notification declaring Eco sensitive Zone around Ken Garial Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](1.14 MB), Madhya Pradesh 11/04/2016 165. S.O. 3082 (E) [21.09.2017] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Ken Garial Wildlife Sanctuary,[PDF](2.89 MB) Madhya Pradesh 29/09/2017
216. S.O. 1270(E) [31.03.2016] Draft Notification declaring Eco sensitive Zone around Madhav National Park[PDF](608.42 KB), Madhya Pradesh 11/04/2016 166. S.O. 3027 (E) [13.09.2017] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Madhav National Park[PDF](3.18 MB), Madhya Pradesh 19/09/2017
217. S.O. 1277(E) [31.03.2016] Draft Notification declaring Eco sensitive Zone around Sanjay National Park and Sanjay Dubari Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](3.23 MB), Madhya Pradesh 11/04/2016 167. S.O. 2811 [29.08.2017] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Sanjay National Park and Sanjay Dubri Wildlife Sanctuary,[PDF](2.7 MB) Madhya Pradesh
S .O. No. 5468(E) [18.12.2024] Amendment in the Final Notification of Eco-sensitive Zone around Sanjay National Park and Sanjay Dubri Wildlife Sanctuary,[PDF](1.7 MB) Madhya Pradesh
218. S.O. 1825(E) [19.05.2016] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Karera Wildlife Sanctuary, Madhya Pradesh[PDF](1.3 MB) 01/06/2016 168. S.O. 3063 (E) [18.09.2017] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Karera Wildlife Sanctuary, [PDF](1.67 MB)Madhya Pradesh 20/09/2017
219. S.O. 1972(E) [03.06.2016] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Nauradehi Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](1.6 MB), Madhya Pradesh 09/06/2016 169. S.O. 3133 (E) [27.09.2017] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Nauradehi Wildlife Sanctuary,[PDF](4.61 MB) Madhya Pradesh 05/10/2017
220. S.O. 4109 (E) [21.12.2016] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Ratapani and Singhori Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](1008.42 KB), Madhya Pradesh 22/12/2016 170. S.O. 2605 (E) [11.08.2017] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Ratapani and Singhori WLS[PDF](1.98 MB), Madhya Pradesh 21/8/2017
221. S.O. 184 (E) [19.01.2017] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Van Vihar National Park, [PDF](1.63 MB)Madhya Pradesh 25/01/2017 171. S.O. 3777(E) [29.11.2017] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Van Vihar National Park,[PDF](3.67 MB) Madhya Pradesh.


S.O. No. 3142(E) [14.07.2023] Amendment in the Final Notification of Eco-sensitive Zone around Van Vihar Wildlife Sanctuary [PDF](1,156 KB), in the state of Rajasthan

13/12/2017 and 05/12/2023
222. S. O. 437 [14.02.2017] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Veerangana Durgawati WLS[PDF](2.04 MB), Madhya Pradesh 20/02/2017
223. S.O. 1197(E) [12.03.2021] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Veerangana Durgawati WLS, [PDF](3.5 MB), Madhya Pradesh 15/03/2021 172. S.O.4617(E) [08.11.2021] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Veerangana Durgawati WLS, [PDF](2.04 MB), Madhya Pradesh 13/11/2021
224. S.O. 1308 (E) [26.04.2017] Draft Notification declaring Eco sensitive Zone around Narsinghgarh Wildlife Sanctuary,[PDF](911.04 KB) Madhya Pradesh 05/05/2017 173. S.O. 3689(E) [27.07.2018] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Narsinghgarh Wildlife Sanctuary,[PDF](2.92 MB) Madhya Pradesh. 06/08/2018
225. S.O. 1700 (E) [26.05.2017] Draft Notification declaring Eco-sensitive Zone around Orchha Wildlife Sanctuary,[PDF](1.61 MB) Madhya Pradesh. 01/06/2017 174. S.O. 35(E) [03.01.2018] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Orchha Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](2.98 MB), Madhya Pradesh. 15/01/2018
226. S.O. 3345(E) [16.10.2017] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Kheoni Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](2.57 MB), Madhya Pradesh 175. S.O. 1902(E) [14.05.2018] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Kheoni Wildlife Sanctuary(2.6 MB), Madhya Pradesh 16/05/2018
227. S.O. 3576(E) [10.11.2017] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Kunopalpur Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](3 MB), Madhya Pradesh. 15/11/2017
227. S.O. 2078(E) [04.05.2022] Re-Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone aroundKuno National Park, [PDF](3 MB), in the state of Madhya Pradesh.Re-Notification New 04/05/2022
228. .S.O. 2030(E) [22.05.2018] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Pench NP & Pench Mougali Sanctuary[PDF](3.06 MB), Madhya Pradesh. 24/05/2018 176. S.O. 4009(E) [06.11.2019] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Pench National Park & Pench Mougali Sanctuary[PDF](2.06 MB) (Pench Tiger Reserve), Madhya Pradesh. 13/11/2019
229. .S.O. 5647(E) [05.11.2018] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Kanha National Park & Phen Sanctuary,[PDF](1.96 MB) Madhya Pradesh. 13/11/2018 177. S.O.1198(E) [12.03.2021] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Kanha NP and Phen Sanctuary[PDF](1.96 MB) Madhya Pradesh. 15/03/2021
229. S.O. 2438(E) [24.07.2020] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around  Kanha National Park and Phen Sanctuary[PDF](3.96 MB),Madhya Pradesh   Re-Notification New. 28/07/2020 178. S.O. 3653(E) [09.09.2021] Amendment in Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Kanha NP & Phen Sanctuary, in the State of Madhya Pradesh.[PDF](1.96 MB) Madhya Pradesh. 10/09/2021
230. .S.O. 1944(E) [11.06.2019] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around National Chambal Santuary[PDF](1.22 MB), Madhya Pradesh 18/06/2019 179.  S.O. 796(E) [21.02.2020] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around  National Chambal Sanctuary[PDF](1.92 MB), Madhya Pradesh.  02/03/2020
231. S.O. 3648(E) [10.10.2019] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Kharmor (Sardarpur) Santuary[PDF](1.36 MB), Madhya Pradesh. 16/10/2019 180. S.O. 2935(E) [ 28.08.2020] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Kharmor (Sardarpur) Sanctuary[PDF](5.96 MB), Madhya Pradesh 31/08/2020
232. S.O. 1193(E) [20.03.2020] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around  Ralamandal Wildlife Sanctuary [PDF](1.55 MB), Madhya Pradesh 13/11/2021 181. S.O. 4799(E) [02.11.2023] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Ralamandal Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](2.12 MB), Madhya Pradesh 02/11/2023
233. S.O. 4616(E) [08.11.2021] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around   Sailana Wildlife Sanctuary [PDF](1.55 MB), Madhya Pradesh 14/04/2020
233. S.O. 4036(E) [13.09.2023] Re-Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Panna National Park & Gangau Sanctuary, [PDF](1,824 KB) in the state of Madhya PradeshRe-notification New 13/09/2023
Maharashtra 234. S.O. 590 [20.02.2015] Draft ESZ Notification on Nagazira Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](2.61 MB), Navegaon WLS and Navegaon National Park, Maharashtra & Map[PDF](327.76 KB) 11/04/2015 182. S.O. 4132(E) [20.09.2023] Final Notification declaring Eco sensitive Zone around Nagzira WildlifeSanctuary, New Nagzira Wildlife Sanctuary, Koka Wildlife Sanctuary, Navegaon Wildlife Sanctuary and Navegaon National Park[PDF](2.67 MB), Maharashtra 25/11/2023
235. .S.O. 1448 [01.06.2015] Draft ESZ Notification on Painganga Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](12.95 MB), Maharashtra & Map[PDF](205.72 KB) 11/09/2015 183. S.O. 3595(E) [30.11.2016] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Painganga Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](1.95 MB), Maharashtra.

S .O. No. 3456(E) [13.08.2024] Amendment in the Final Notification of Eco-sensitive Zone around Painganga Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](1.95 MB), Maharashtra.
236.  .S.O. 1558 [12.06.2015] Draft ESZ Notification on Gautala Wildlife Sanctuary(6.9 MB), Maharashtra & Map(327.07 KB) 21/09/2015 184. S.O. 3996 [09.12.2016] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Gautala Autramghat Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](1.56 MB), Maharashtra.

S .O. No. 3819(E) [05.09.2024] Amendment in the Final Notification of Eco-sensitive Zone around Gautala Autramghat Wildlife Sanctuary [PDF](1.74 MB), Maharashtra.
237. S.O. 1658 (E) [17.06.2015] Draft ESZ Notification on Karnala Bird Sanctuary[PDF](11.66 MB), Maharashtra & Map[PDF](305.59 KB) 19/08/2015 185. S.O 230(E)[22.01.2016] Notification declaring Eco-sensitive Zone around the KARNALA Wildlife Sanctuary [PDF](771.37 KB) in the state of Maharashtra
S.O. No. 5471(E) [18.12.2024] Amendment in the Final Notification of Eco-sensitive Zone around the KARNALA Wildlife Sanctuary [PDF](1.6 MB) in the state of Maharashtra
238. .S.O. 2544 [17.09.2015] Draft Notification on Umrer Karhandala Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](9.83 MB), Maharashtra & Map[PDF](153.91 KB) 06/10/2015 186. S.O. 837 (E) [16.03.2017] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Umred Karhandla Wildlife[PDF](1.57 MB) Sanctuary, Maharashtra. 21/03/2017
239. .S.O. 3014 [05.11.2015] Draft ESZ Notifictaion on Gangewadi New Great Indian Bustard Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](2.94 MB), Maharashtra & Map[PDF](142.78 KB) 187. S.O. 1752 (E) [31.05.2017] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Gangewadi New Great Indian Bustard Sanctuary[PDF](5.29 MB), Maharashtra
S .O. No. 4331(E) [03.10.2024] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Gangewadi New Great Indian Bustard Sanctuary[PDF](1.29 MB), Maharashtra
240. .SO 3222(E)[30.11.2015] Draft notification declaring Eco-sensitive Zone around the Phansad Wildlife Sanctuary [PDF](1.59 MB)in the state of Maharashtra 09/12/2015 188. S.O. 1603 (E) [17.05.2017] Final Notification Declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Phansad Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](822.05 KB), Maharashtra 23/05/2017
241. SO 3224(E)[23.11.2015] Draft notification declaring Eco-sensitive Zone around the Bhamragarh Wildlife Sanctuary [PDF](1.74 MB)in the state of Maharashtra 09/12/2015 189. S.O. 1175(E) [13.04.2017] Final Notification Declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Bhamragarh Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](1.48 MB), Maharashtra 01/05/2017
242. SO 3227(E)[23.11.2015] Draft notification declaring Eco-sensitive Zone around the Yedsi Ramling Wildlife Sanctuary [PDF](1005.45 KB)in the state of Maharashtra 09/12/2015 190. S.O. 1751 (E) [31.05.2017] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Yedshi Ramling Ghat WLS[PDF](2.03 MB), Maharashtra 05/06/2017
243. SO 3228(E)[23.11.2015] Draft notification declaring Eco-sensitive Zone around the Aner Dam Wildlife Sanctuary [PDF](1.8 MB)in the state of Maharashtra 09/12/2015
243. S.O. 778(E) [22.02.2018] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Anerdam WLS, Maharashtra.[PDF](4.96 MB) Re-notification New 08/03/2018 191. S.O. 27(E) [03.01.2019] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Anerdam Wildlife Sanctuary, Maharashtra.[PDF](1.55 MB)
S .O. No. 4554(E) [17.10.2024] Amendment in the Final Notification of Eco-sensitive Zone around Anerdam Wildlife Sanctuary, Maharashtra.[PDF](1.71 MB)
244.  S.O. 3121(E) [20.11.2015] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Dyanganga Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](884.89 KB), Maharashtra & Map[PDF](167.85 KB) 05/06/2017 192. S.O. 1604 (E) [17.05.2017] Final Notification declaring Eco-Sensitive Zone around Dyanganga Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](2.19 MB), Maharashtra 25/05/2017
245. S.O. No 997 [10.04.2015] Tadoba Tiger Reserve and Andheri WLS ESZ Notification[PDF](15.55 MB), Maharashtra 193. S.O. 3249(E) [11.09.2019] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Tadoba Tiger National Park & Andhari Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](5.96 MB) , Maharashtra
S .O. No. 5441(E) [16.12.2024] Amendment in the Final Notification of Eco-sensitive Zone around Tadoba Tiger National Park & Andhari Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](1.77 MB) , Maharashtra
245. S.O. 3441(E) [13.07.2018] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone aroundTadoba and Andhari Wildlife Sanctuary, Maharashtra [PDF](5.00 MB), Maharashtra.Re-notification New
246. S.O. No. 3105 [17.11.2015] Sagareshwar WLS ESZ Notification[PDF](379.17 KB), Maharashtra & Map[PDF](128.15 KB) 194. S.O. 1565 (E) [15.05.2017] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Sagareshwar WLS[PDF](1.75 MB), Maharashtra. 26/05/2017
247. S.O. No.3028 [10.11.2015] Kalsubai Harishchandragad WLS ESZ Notification[PDF](571.48 KB), Maharashtra & Map[PDF](122.02 KB) 195. S.O. 1367 (E) [28.04.2017] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Kalsubai Harishchandragad Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](723.65 KB), Maharashtra 04/05/2017
248. S.O.1777[30.06.2015] Draft ESZ Notification of Melghat Tiger Reserve[PDF](17.43 MB),Maharashtra & Map[PDF](283.51 KB) 196. S.O. 4205(E) [28.12.2016] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Melghat Tiger Reserve[PDF](1.27 MB), Maharashtra.

S .O. No. 3739(E) [02.09.2024] Amendment in the Final Notification of Eco-sensitive Zone around Melghat Tiger Reserve[PDF](1.77 MB), Maharashtra
249. S.O. 72(E)[07.01.2016] Draft notification declaring Eco-sensitive Zone around the Tipeswar Wildlife Sanctuary[PDF](730.01 KB) in the state of Maharashtra 18/01/2016 197. S.O. 4892(E) [19.09.2018] Final Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Tipeshwar Wildlife Sanctuary,[PDF](5.43 MB), Maharashtra.
S .O. No. 3956(E) [06.09.2024] Amendment in the Final Notification of Eco-sensitive Zone around Tipeshwar Wildlife Sanctuary,[PDF](1.73 MB), Maharashtra.
249. S.O. 278(E) [17.01.2018] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Tipeshwar WLS,[PDF](2.91 MB) Maharashtra. Re-Notification New 05/02/2018
250. SO 229(E)[22.01.2016] Draft notification declaring Eco-sensitive Zone around the Sanjay Gandhi National Park[PDF](2.61 MB) in the state of Maharashtra & Map[PDF](173.71 KB), Revised ESZ Map o