Green Deeds Audio Gallery
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Green Deeds audio gallery
Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change has produced following creatives both video and audio as a part of its endeavor to spread message on protecting our environment. These creatives can be downloaded by clicking the link of creatives and can be used by anyone interested to spread awareness to protect environment:
Audio Creatives
Sl. No | File Name | Duration | Description |
1. | Mari shapath- Oath to conserve Environment | 30 sec | Oath to conserve Environment as part of GGDs Hindi | Assamese | Bengali | Dogri | English | Garo | Gujarati | Kannada | Kashmiri | Khasi | Malayalam | Manipuri | Marathi | Mizo | Nagamese | Oriya | Punjabi | Tamil | Telugu | Urdu |
2. | Water Conservation – Jingle | 30 sec | Conserve water and not to waste precious resource Hindi | Assamese | Bengali | Dogri | English | Garo | Gujarati | Kannada | Kashmiri | Khasi | Malayalam | Manipuri | Marathi | Mizo | Nagamese | Oriya | Punjabi | Tamil | Telugu | Urdu |
3. | E-Waste - Audio Spot | 30 sec | Disposal of Electronic Waste Material Hindi | Assamese | Bengali | Dogri | English | Garo | Gujarati | Kannada | Kashmiri | Khasi | Malayalam | Manipuri | Marathi | Mizo | Nagamese | Oriya | Punjabi | Tamil | Telugu | Urdu |
4. | Air Pollution – Audio Spot | 30 sec | Regular Pollution check of Vehicles Hindi | Assamese | Bengali | Dogri | English | Garo | Gujarati | Kannada | Kashmiri | Khasi | Malayalam | Manipuri | Marathi | Mizo | Nagamese | Oriya | Punjabi | Tamil | Telugu | Urdu |
5. | Avoid Disposable – Audio Spot | 30 sec | Regular Pollution check of Vehicles Hindi | Assamese | Bengali | Dogri | English | Garo | Gujarati | Kannada | Kashmiri | Khasi | Malayalam | Manipuri | Marathi | Mizo | Nagamese | Oriya | Punjabi | Tamil | Telugu | Urdu |
6. | Gift Sapling – Audio Spot | 30 sec | Gift Saplings on occasions as part of GGDs Hindi | Assamese | Bengali | Dogri | English | Garo | Gujarati | Kannada | Kashmiri | Khasi | Malayalam | Manipuri | Marathi | Mizo | Nagamese | Oriya | Punjabi | Tamil | Telugu | Urdu |
7. | Avoid Wastage of Food – Audio Spot | 30 sec | Not to waste resources but to responsibly use water and food Hindi | Assamese | Bengali | Dogri | English | Garo | Gujarati | Kannada | Kashmiri | Khasi | Malayalam | Manipuri | Marathi | Mizo | Nagamese | Oriya | Punjabi | Tamil | Telugu | Urdu |
8. | Save Water- Audio Spot | 35 sec | Save water as a green good deed Hindi |
9. | Air Pollution – Audio Spot | 35 sec | Pollution control as a Green Good Deed Hindi |
10. | No to Plastic - Audio Spot | 35 sec | Discard Single Use Plastic as a Green Good Deed Hindi |
11. | Amitabh Bachchan- Jingle 1 | 45 sec | Pledge to follow Green Good Deeds to save environment Hindi |
12. | Amitabh Bachchan- Jingle 2 | 45 sec | Pledge to follow Green Good Deeds to save environment Hindi |
Audio Message by HMEFCC
Sl. No | File Name | Duration | Description |
1. | Construction of Building – Audio message | 65 sec | Legitimate use of ACs, Use of Water Harvesting, and others at Home as part of GGDs Hindi |
2. | Covering during Building Construction- Audio Message | 50 sec | Use of covering during construction of new buildings, keeping construction materials closed by lid Hindi |
3. | Environment Friendly Material – Audio Message | 75 sec | Avoid wastage of natural resources and use of Environment Friendly material in daily uses as part of GGDs Hindi |
4. | Plastic Pollution- Audio message | 50 sec | Avoid Plastic material and replace them with Environment friendly and multiuse material in daily life as part of GGD Hindi |
5. | Reduce Air Pollution – Audio Message | 50 sec | Measures to reduce Air Pollution and save environment Hindi |
6. | Save Water – Audio Message | 65 sec | Judicious use of Water in daily use like washing, bathing, cooking etc as part of GGDs Hindi |
7. | Waste management – Audio Message | 60 sec | Not to litter and manage our waste. Use 4 R (Reduce, Resuse, Recycle and Recover) Hindi |