Items of Work Handled
Hazardous Substances Management Division (HSMD)
- Lays down procedures and safeguards for accident prevention, preparedness and mitigation and amagement of solid waste hazardous waste, e-waste, municipal solid waste, plastic waste, bio-medical waste and fly ash utilisation.
- Prepare and notify rules on chemical accident prevention, fly ash utilisation and the waste management and ensure their enforcement through State agencies which are responsible for implementation of these rules.
- Help, create and sustain infrastructure in the States for implementation of the rules gazetted under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 on hazardous substances.
- Prepare and issue updated version of the Red Book – The Central Crisis Group Alert System (CCG).
- Render help in establishing Emergency Response Centres (ERC) in the States.
- Prepare and undertake study to assess hazard potential of industrial pockets – a five year scheme on industrial pocket wise analysis is underway.
- Provide financial asitance for training of various categories of personnel in the area of accident prevention, chemical database and rules on waste management and fly ash.
- Provide financial asitance for setting-up of, treatment, storage and disposal facility for Hazardous Waste, common bio-medical waste treatment and dispsoal facility, integrated facility for e-waste recycling, on public private partnership mode and subject to matching contribution from the States.
Work Allocation among the Directors/Scientist ‘F’ /Officers of HSM Division. (25 KB)
test(25 KB)
Minutes of Meeting