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Personnel-I (P.I) (17.82 KB )
Items of work
- Cadre management of scientific/ technical posts of the Ministry (E&F wing), Creation and continuation of scientific and technical posts of Ministry (E&F wing)
- Recruitment Rules- framing & amendment of Recruitment Rules of technical posts.
- Establishment/service matters of all Scientific/Technical officers/staff (other than NRCD) viz. appointment, promotion, review cases, leave cases, retirement and retirement benefits, medical claims, tution fee reimbursement, leave encashment, children education allowance, court cases etc.
- Retirement and retirement benefits, medical claims, tution fees reimbursement, leave encashment, Reservation Cell etc.
- Work allocation among Scientific/Technical posts
- Advances like House Building, GPF, LTC, TA in r/o all officers/staff other than those who are at the strength of IFS/NAEB/NRCD
- Budget matters relating non-plan budget (Secretariat Proper)
- Policy matters relating to Outsourcing
- Maintenance of ACRs of Group ‘A’ ‘B’ & ‘C’ Officials of MoEF other than IFS Officers under Central Staffing Scheme of the Ministry for IFS Officers.
- Disciplinary Cases of Group ‘A’ ‘B’ & ‘C’ Officials of MoEF other than IFS Officers under Central Staffing Scheme of the Ministry for IFS Officers.
Recruitment Rules
- G.S.R.242 [Dated 25th August, 2011] Ministry of Environment and Forests, Departmental Canteen Group ‘C’ posts Recruitment Rules, 2011.
(1.02 MB)
- G.S.R.468 E [Dated 20th June, 2011] Ministry of Environment and Forests, Technical Posts (Forestry), Recruitment Rules, 2011.
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- G.S.R.104 & 105 [Dated 20-26th June, 2010] Ministry of Environment and Forests, Technical Posts (Environmental), (Group ‘B’ Gazetted and Non-Gazetted) Recruitment Rules, 2010.
- Public Notice alongwith draft Recruitment Rules for 1(One) each post of Deputy Legal Adviser,Assistant Legal Adviser and Legal Assistant in the Ministry of Enviornment, Forest and Climate Change,Indira Paryavaran Bhawan.Jor Bagh Road,Aliganj,New Delhi-110003 is put up for inviting comments from the stakeholders.
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Personnel-II (P.II)
Items of work
- Cadre management of CSSS/CSS/CSCS, Central Staffing Scheme, IES and ISS officers
- Establishment/service matters of Secretariat Group ‘A’, ‘B’ & ‘C’ posts (except officers working at the strength of IFS, NRCD and NAEB Divisions) viz. appointment, review cases, leave cases, retirement and retirement benefits, medical claims, tution fee reimbursement, leave encashment, children education allowance, court cases etc.
- Work Allocation among all officers/staff other than scientific/technical officers
- Matters relating to Minister’s staff
- Election Work
- Training Programme of AIS and all Secretariat officers
- Recruitment& Framing of Recruitment Rules of non-technical ex-cadre posts of the Ministry (E&F) Wing
- Night & Day duty roster
- Outsourcing (deployment and matters other than policy matters
Recruitment Rules
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Personnel-III (P.III)
Items of work
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Public Grievances Cell (16.09 KB) |
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