Import / Export of Mercury
Import / Export of Mercury
Information on Minamata Convention and PIC procedure for the import and export of mercury
Minamata Convention on Mercury
The Minamata Convention on Mercury is a global treaty to protect human health and the environment from the adverse effects of mercury. The Convention entered into force on 16 August 2017.
The Convention obligates a Party to regulate the import and export of mercury in the country through a prior informed consent mechanism, phase-out and phase down mercury use in a number of products and manufacturing processes and impose control measures on emissions to air and on releases to land and water. The Convention addresses interim storage of mercury, disposal of mercury containing waste, sites contaminated by mercury, as well as health issues.
India signed the Minamata Convention on 30 September 2014 and ratified it on 18 June 2018. The Convention entered into force for the country on 16 September 2018. The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change is the nodal organization in India for the implementation of the Convention. The country has sought an exemption (Link to PDF document)(231 KB). from the phase-out dates listed in Part I of Annex A to the Convention until 2025.
More information about the Minamata Convention on Mercury may be found here (Link for Minamata Convention Website:
Import and export of mercury
India is a Party to the Minamata Convention on Mercury which mandates a Prior Informed Consent (PIC) procedure for the trade of mercury. The National Focal Point (NFP) of the Minamata Convention is the Joint Secretary of the Hazardous Substances Management Division of the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change.
The contact details of NFP are as below:
Shri Naresh Pal Gangwar
Additional Secretary to the Government of India
Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
Indira Paryavaran Bhawan, Jor Bagh Road, Aliganj, 110 003 New Delhi, India
Phone: (+91) 11 20819247
Email: asnpg[dot]mefcc[at]gov[dot]in
Procedure for grant of PIC for importing mercury
1. All applications for the import of mercury shall be submitted to the NFP in MoEF&CC through Form – X (Link to download Word copy of Form)(23 KB). A copy of Form-X shall also be submitted to the State Pollution Control Boards (SPCBs) of
a. the state where the port receiving the consignment is located;
b. the state where the interim storage facility is located; and
c. the state where the end-user is located.
2. The Form-X has to be supported with a
a. Form – A (if mercury is being imported from a country that is a Party to the Minamata Convention) (Link to download Form-A)(7.2 KB).
b. Form – B (if mercury is being imported from a country that is not a Party to the Minamata Convention) clearly stating that the mercury is not from sources identified as ‘not allowed’ under paragraph 3 (Primary Mercury Mining) or paragraph 5(b) (Mercury from decommissioning of chlor-alkali facilities) of Article 3 of the Convention. (Link to download Form-B)(6.2KB).
Applications for which Form-A or Form-B have been directly received by MoEF&CC from National Focal Points of the exporting countries will also be considered. All applications without Form-A/Form-B or supported with vague/ ambiguous documents will be rejected.
3. Applications under consideration duly supported with Form-A or Form-B have to include an affidavit in support of owning all liabilities as well as responsibilities (financial or others) that may arise due to accidental handling and storage of imported mercury, till it reaches the end users. The liability should cover all costs towards accidental environmental damage/ human health impact/ animal health impact/remediation, etc. and related aspects.
4. The application will be supported with the environmental permissions (Consent to Establish (CTE)/Consent to Operate (CTO)/Authorisation/No Objection Certificate) obtained for interim storage facility by the concerned State Pollution Control Board/Pollution Control Committee.
5. The application will also be supported with details of end users such as manufacturing process, list of products/outputs and permissible quantities of production, corresponding maximum permissible Mercury usage in such products, quantities of products/outputs along with corresponding Mercury consumption during last three years, Consent to Operate (CTO)/Authorisation/No Objection Certificate/Permission by the concerned State Pollution Control Board/Pollution Control Committee/concerned regulatory authority.
6. The quantity of mercury to be allowed for import shall be directed for use within specified period (quantity equivalent to one year or 18 months consumption/utilization). The quantity should be clearly mentioned in the application.
7. The importer & end-user is required to provide a detailed statement of usage of previous quantity of imported mercury.
Procedure for grant of PIC for exporting mercury
1. All applications for the export of mercury shall be submitted to the NFP in MoEF&CC through Form – X (Link to download the Form).(23 KB) A copy of Form-X shall also be submitted to the State Pollution Control Boards (SPCBs) of
a. the state with the port from where the consignment is being exported; and
b.the state where the interim storage facility is located.
2. Considering that there are no primary sources of mercury generation in India, mercury has to first be imported into the country before it is exported. In such instances, Form-A (Form-B in case of Non-Party) provided by the exporting country on the basis of which the mercury was permitted for import in India has to be furnished along with Form-X.
3. Applications shall also include an affidavit in support of owning all liabilities as well as responsibilities (financial or others) that may arise due to accidental handling and storage of imported mercury, till it is exported. The liability should cover all costs towards accidental environmental damage/ human health impact/ animal health impact/remediation, etc. and related aspects.
4. The application must be supported with the environmental permissions (Consent to Establish (CTE)/Consent to Operate (CTO)/Authorisation/No Objection Certificate) obtained for interim storage facility, if any by the concerned State Pollution Control Board/Pollution Control Committee.
Details of Prior Informed Consent (PIC) granted for import/export of mercury as on 21.11.2023
No |
Import/Export | PIC grant date | Importer Name | Exporting/
Importing Country |
Quantity of mercury permitted under PIC | Proposed end-user | Proposed quantity to be supplied to end-user | Status of import and supply | Form- A | PIC |
1. | Import | 17.7.2018 | M/s Champa Purie-Chem Industries | Thailand | 6417 kg(186 flasks) | M/s Champa Purie-Chem Industries | 6417 kg(186 flasks) | |||
2. | Import | 19.03.2021 | M/s KBNM Metals Ltd. | Peru | 3450 kg(100 flasks) | M/s LS Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals | 3450 kg(100 flasks) | 100 flasks supplied to M/s LS Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals | Form A (681 KB). | PIC (812 KB) |
3. | Import | 19.03.2021 | M/s Orelia The Gold | Peru | 3450 kg(100 flasks) | M/s LS Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals | 3450 kg (100 flasks) | 100 flasks supplied to M/s LS Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals | Form A (692 KB) | PIC (832 KB). |
4. | Import | 09.11.2021 | M/s Purple Products Pvt. Ltd. | Thailand | 3,933 kg (114 flasks) | M/s Napthalene Chemie Products | 3,933 kg(114 flasks) | 114 flasks supplied to M/s Napthalene Chemie Products | Form A (57 KB). | PIC(16 KB) |
5. | Import | 09.11.2021 | M/s Purple Products Pvt. Ltd. | Japan | 5175 kg(150 flasks) | M/s Industrial Electronics & Allied Products | 5175 kg (150 flasks) | 150 flasks delivered to M/s Industrial Electronics & Allied Products | Form A (24 KB). | PIC(16 KB). |
6. | Import | 08.11.2021 | M/s Orelia The Gold | Peru | 32,016 kg (928 flasks) | M/s Champa Purie Chemicals | 5968.5 kg (173 flasks) | 56 flasks supplied to M/s Champa Purie Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. | Form A (445 KB). | PIC(590 KB). |
M/s Gurjar Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. | 11971.5 kg (347 flasks) | 112 flasks supplied to M/s Gurjar Chemicals Pvt. Ltd | ||||||||
M/s LS Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals | 14,076 MT (408 Flasks) | 132 flasks supplied to M/s LS Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals | ||||||||
7. | Import | 17.01.2022 | M/s Purple Products Pvt. Ltd. | Thailand | 11,074.5 kg (321 Flasks) | M/s Napthalene Chemie Products | 11,074.5 kg (321 Flasks) | 321 flasks delivered to M/s Naphthalene Chemie Products | Form A (1,532 KB) | PIC(620 KB) |
8. | Import | 20.01.2022 | M/s Purple Products Pvt. Ltd. | Thailand | 7417.5 kg (215 flasks) | M/s Mercury Rasayans | 7417.5 kg (215 flasks) | 215 flasks supplied to M/s Mercury Rasayans | Form A (1,241 KB). | PIC(628 KB). |
9. | Import | 07.02.2022 | M/s KBNM Metals Ltd. | Peru | 8625 Kg (250 flasks) | M/s Mercury Rasayans/ M/s Pinkto Chemicals Pvt Ltd. | 8625 kg (250 flasks) | 250 flasks delivered to M/s Mercury Rasayan / M/s Pinkto Chemicals | Form A(1,467 KB). | PIC (847 KB). |
10. | Import | 10.03.2022 | M/s KBNM Metals Ltd. | Peru | 2760 kg (80 flasks) | M/s LS Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals | 1725 kg (50 flasks) | 50 flasks supplied to M/s LS Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals | Form A (2,052 KB). | PIC (1,285 KB) |
M/s Hicks Thermometers | 1035 kg (30 flasks) |
4 flasks supplied to M/s Shree Baidyanath, Howrah 26 flasks under Customs Clearance |
11. | Import | 11.03.2022 | M/s Orelia the Gold Ltd. | Peru | 23805 kg (690 flasks) | M/s Macsen Fine Chem, Rajasthan. | 16905 kg (490 flasks) | Yet to be imported | Form A (720 KB). | PIC (1.1 MB). |
Ayurveda, Siddha, and Unani (ASU) drug manufacturers | 6900 kg (200 flasks)
12. | Import | 26.4.2022 | M/s Purple Products Pvt. Ltd. | Japan | 6037.5 kg (175 flasks) | M/s Disha Instruments & Surgical Industries | 3450 kg (100 flasks) |
Mercury has been imported and delivered as given below:
Form A (1,084 KB). | PIC(1,413 KB). |
M/s Anita Industries | 1863 kg (54 flasks) | |||||||||
M/s Hicks Thermometers | 724.5 kg (21 flasks) | |||||||||
13. | Import | 26.4.2022 | M/s Enkay Associates | Thailand | 9970.5 kg (289 flasks) | M/s Gurjar Chemical Pvt. Ltd. | 9970.5 kg (289 flasks) |
Mercury has been imported and delivered as given below:
Form A (1,886 KB). | PIC (1,232 KB). |
14. | Import | 06.05.2022 | M/s Purple Products Pvt. Ltd. | Thailand | 5000 kg (~145 flasks) | M/s Gurjar Chemical Pvt. Ltd. | 2139 kg (62 flasks) | Shipment is yet to be dispatched from Thailand. | Form A (1,106 KB). | PIC (1,554 KB). |
M/s Heni Drugs Pvt. Ltd. | 1000.5 kg (29 flasks) | |||||||||
M/s T S Fine Chem | 1000.5 kg (29 flasks) | |||||||||
M/s Unicat Chem. Pvt. Ltd. | 860 kg (~25 flasks) | |||||||||
15. | Import | 20.06.2022 | M/s KBNM Metals Ltd. | Peru | 3105 kg (90 flasks) | M/s Heni Drugs Pvt. Ltd. | 3105 kg (90 flasks) | 90 flasks delivered to M/s Heni Drugs Pvt. Ltd. | Form A(1.2 MB). | PIC(1.1 MB). |
16. | Import | 22.07.2022 | M/s Champa Purie-Chem Industries | Mexico | 8314.5 kg (241 flasks) | M/s Champa Purie-Chem Industries | 8314.5 kg (241 flasks) | To be imported | Form A (1,125 KB). | PIC(968 KB). |
17. | Import | 22.07.2022 | M/s KBNM Metals Ltd. | Peru | 1759.5 kg (51 flasks) | M/s Shree Dhootapapeshwar Ltd. | (1483.5 kg) 43 flasks | 43 flasks supplied to M/s Shree Dhootapapeshwar Ltd. | Form A (1,1195 KB). | PIC (1,720 KB). |
M/s Shree Baidyanath Ayurved Bhawan Pvt. Ltd., Howrah | (276 kg) 8 flasks | 8 flasks delivered to M/s Shree Baidyanath Ayurved Bhawan Pvt. Ltd, Howrah | ||||||||
18. | Import | 22.07.2022 | M/s Purple Products Pvt. Ltd. | Oman | 6900 kg (200 flasks) | M/s Shree Baidyanath Ayurved Bhawan Pvt. Ltd., Seoni | 1035 kg (30 flasks) |
Mercury has been imported and delivered as given below:
Form A (1,113 KB). | PIC(2,456 KB). |
M/s Dabur India Ltd. | 862.50 kg (25 flasks) | |||||||||
M/s S.G. Phyto Pharma Pvt. Ltd. | 655.5 kg (19 flasks) | |||||||||
M/s Shree Baidyanath Ayurved Bhawan Pvt. Ltd., Howrah | 241.5 kg (7 flasks) | |||||||||
M/s Dental Product of India | 345 kg (10 flasks) | |||||||||
M/s Sheetal Medicare Products Pvt. Ltd. | 1725 kg (50 flasks) | |||||||||
M/s Shree Dhootpapeshwar Ltd. | 310.5 kg (9 flasks) | |||||||||
M/s Shree Baidyanath Ayurved Bhawan Pvt. Ltd., Jhansi | 1725 kg (50 flasks) | |||||||||
19. | Import | 13.09.2022 | M/s KBNM Metals Ltd. | Peru | 6900 kg (200 flasks) | M/s Gurjar Chemical Pvt. Ltd. | 6900 kg (200 flasks) | 200 flasks delivered to M/s Gurjar Chemical Pvt. Ltd. | Form A (1,028 KB) | PIC(1,256 KB) |
20. | Import | 25.10.2022 | M/s Purple Products Pvt. Ltd. | Japan | 5175 kg (150 flasks) | M/s Industrial Electronics & Allied Products | 5175 kg (150 flasks) | 150 flasks delivered to M/s Industrial Electronics & Allied Products | Form A(1,044 KB). | PIC(1,165 KB). |
21. | Import | 05.12.2022 | M/s KBNM Metals Pvt. Ltd | Peru | 7900.5 kg (229 flasks) | M/s Girgan Fine Chem Private Limited | 7900.5 kg 229 flasks) |
229 flasks delivered to M/s Girgan Fine Chem |
Form A(1,088 KB). | PIC (892 KB). |
22. | Import | 03.01.2023 | M/s Purple Products Pvt. Ltd. | Thailand | 8970 kg (260 flasks) | M/s Gurjar Chemical Pvt. Ltd. | 6141 kg (178 flasks) |
Mercury has been imported and delivered as given below:
Form A (1,924 KB). | PIC (1,638 KB). |
M/s Heni Drugs Pvt. Ltd. | 172.5 kg (5 flasks) | |||||||||
M/s T S Fine Chem | 1690.5 kg (49 flasks) | |||||||||
M/s Unicat Chem. Pvt. Ltd. | 966 kg (28 flasks) | |||||||||
23. | Import | 15.02.2023 | M/s KBNM Products Pvt. Ltd. | Peru | 23,805 kg (690 flasks) | M/s Mercury Rasayans/ M/s Pinkto | 6,900 kg (200 flasks) |
Form A (1,200 KB). | PIC (1,088 KB) |
M/s Macsen Fine Chem, Rajasthan. | 16,905 kg (490 flasks) | 490 flasks supplied to M/s Mascen Fine Chem | ||||||||
24. | Import | 15.02.2023 | M/s Purple Products Pvt. Ltd. | Thailand | 13,420.5 kg (389 flasks) | M/s Industrial Electronics and Allied Products | 10,005 kg (290 flasks) |
Mercury has been imported and delivered as given below:
Form A (4,686 KB). | PIC (1,289 KB) |
M/s Centauri Engineering Solutions | 3,415.5 kg (99 flasks) | |||||||||
25. | Import | 24.03.2023 | M/s Purple Products Pvt. Ltd. | Japan | 1,897.5 kg (55 flasks) | M/s Anita Industries | 1,897.5 kg (55 flasks) | 55 flasks delivered to M/s Anita Industries | Form A (1,049 KB) | PIC(1,062 KB) |
26. | Import | 28.04.2023 | M/s KBNM Metals Pvt. Ltd. | Peru | 4,036.5 kg (117 flasks) | M/s Champa Purie-Chem Industries | 4,036.5 kg (117 flasks) |
117 flasks delivered to M/s Champa Purie-Chem Industries |
Form A (1,153 KB) | PIC(1,044 KB) |
27. | Import | 19.05.2023 | M/s Purple Products Pvt. Ltd. | Thailand | 6900 kg (200 flasks) | M/s Heni Drugs Pvt. Ltd. | 6900 kg (200 flasks) | 200 flasks delivered to M/s Heni Drugs Pvt. Ltd. | Form A (834 KB) | PIC(1,814 KB) |
28. | Import | 04.07.2023 | M/s Purple Products Pvt. Ltd. | Thailand | 12,075 kg (350 flasks) | M/s Gurjar Chemical Pvt. Ltd. | 8,625 kg (250 flasks) |
Mercury has been imported and delivered as given below:
Form A (1,770 KB) | PIC(1,280 KB) |
M/s Champa Purie-Chem Industires | 3450 kg (100 flasks) | |||||||||
29. | Import | 18.07.2023 | M/s KBNM Metals Pvt. Ltd | Peru | 10,350 kg (300 flasks) | M/s KBNM Metals Pvt. Ltd | 10,350 kg (300 flasks) |
269 flasks delivered to M/s KBNM 31 flasks to be delivered
Form A (1,248 KB) | PIC(891 KB) |
30. | Import | 31.07.2023 | M/s KBNM Metals Pvt. Ltd | Peru | 8,625 kg (250 flasks) | M/s Girgan | 8,625 kg (250 flasks) | 250 flasks delivered to M/s Girgan Fine Chem Private Limited | Form A (1,372 KB) | PIC(1,278 KB) |
31. | Import | 04.08.2023 | M/s Purple Products Pvt. Ltd. | Thailand | 13,834.5 kg (401 flasks) | M/s TS FIne | 4312.5 kg (125 flasks) |
Out of 401 flasks, part shipment of 75 flasks received and supplied to M/s LS Chemicals. Balance of 326 flasks yet to be imported. |
Form A (1,925 KB) | PIC(1,261 KB) |
M/s LS Chemicals | 9522 kg (276 flasks) | |||||||||
32. | Import | 18.10.2023 | M/s Purple Products Pvt. Ltd. | Japan | 9487.5 kg (275 flasks) | M/s Anita Industries | 2587.5 kg (75 flasks) |
Mercury has been imported and delivered as given below:
Form A (1,734 KB) | PIC(1,233 KB) |
M/s Industrial Electronics | 6900 kg (200 flasks) | |||||||||
33. | Import | 21.11.2023 | M/s KBNM Metals Pvt. Ltd | Peru | 3450 kg (100 flasks) | M/s Shree Dhootpapeshwar Ltd. | 3450 kg (100 flasks) | 100 flasks delivered to M/s Dhootpapeshwar | Form A (1,976 KB) | PIC(1,458 KB) |
Total Quantity of Mercury for which PIC granted | 2,86,039.5 kg (8,291 flasks) |